From Crisis to Breakthrough: Reimagining Your WorkMostra

From Crisis to Breakthrough: Reimagining Your Work

Dia 5 de 7

Guard Your Thoughts

We are wired to survive. When we sense danger, fight or flight causes the adrenaline to flow, our limbic system to glow, and all systems to react. That works in the face of a lion, tiger, or bear. Our reaction is a sprint and we can return to a peaceful state once the threat is gone.

But the threats that we face in a business crisis can feel more like a marathon. Fight or flight does more damage than good when it persists over time. As long as the limbic system is lit up, our prefrontal cortex (PFC)—the part of the brain that helps us solve problems and think creatively—goes dim. We need the PFC to achieve a breakthrough.

Nehemiah had reason to fear. The Israelites' enemies didn’t want the wall rebuilt and immediately tried to intimidate, threaten, and coerce Nehemiah into their trap. Nehemiah’s response was to seek God and stay focused on the project. When necessary, he posted guards with weapons so people would feel safe as they continued the work. When coerced, he simply said, “I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and go down to you?” (Nehemiah 6:3).

You can put your fears at bay and light up your PFC by taking a few simple steps.

  • Move. Your body holds stress and anxiety. Sitting still allows it to settle in. Get up and walk to help your body release the stress.
  • Name it. You can access your PFC by naming the threat. Break it down to small chunks your mind can work on.
  • Pray. Ask God for specific wisdom and direction.
  • Trust God. The situation is no surprise to God. In fact, He has already worked out how to turn it for good. Our part is to turn to Him.

Today, seek God’s help through specific and persistent prayers. When you do, He promises to guard your heart and mind with His peace. From that place of peace, we can access new insights and ideas that can lead to breakthrough.


Father God, I trust in You. Help me to remember to pause, give thanks to You, and ask You for what I need when I encounter a threat. May Your peace guard my heart and mind in Christ so I can respond according to Your will. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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From Crisis to Breakthrough: Reimagining Your Work

We will all face a crisis in our work at some point. Whether it’s economic uncertainty, a pandemic, or overcoming injustice, crisis doesn’t have to have the last word. A crisis can actually be a powerful catalyst for significant breakthroughs when we turn to God. This plan will walk you through six important steps to transform a crisis at work into a breakthrough through your faith.
