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Before The Wrath

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Belief or Faith


There are a vast number of people who say with complete confidence that they ‘believe’ in God. Many of these same people are equally convinced that a simple head knowledge is all that is needed to guarantee the forgiveness of their sins and entry into Heaven. James clearly declares this is not to be the case. Yet, the bigger question that lingers is this: is a simple ‘head knowledge’ the same as the ‘faith’ spoken of in Scripture, or is there more to faith than just mental awareness?

To have “belief” can be nothing more than a passive mental acceptance, which has no influence in the way you live your life. This was the case for the five foolish bridesmaids. To simply say “I believe in God” means very little if it doesn’t carry the weight of coming from the depths of your heart. Many people say that they ‘believe’ in God, but have never experienced the powerful change that comes from a transformed life of true repentance. Scripture even shows us that demons believe and tremble.

Belief in and of itself will never transform a person. On the other hand, when someone puts their faith in Christ with a sincere heart, their life cannot help but reveal that they are a new creation. True faith in God reveals itself in every aspect of your life: your actions, your thoughts, and your priorities—things that would never be affected by simply believing in something. Once you experience a saving relationship with the Creator of the universe, it will reveal itself through a radical readjustment of your entire worldview.


  1. How does faith lead to a transformed life when belief doesn’t? Would you say you live more by faith or by belief? Explain.
  2. Consider the parable of the Ten Bridesmaids in Matthew 25; what two key points did Jesus want His listeners to know about His future return?
  3. How does it make you feel to know the door to the kingdom will be closed to some? What difference does this reality make in your life?
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Before The Wrath

Bible scholars continue to debate the timing of the Rapture, but why is such a mysterious event prophesied to happen in the first place? Is there a deeper understanding surrounding this occurrence that we've lost over the millennia that those living in the first-century clearly understood? BEFORE THE WRATH will reveal new depths of theological understanding regarding what Jesus revealed to the ancient Galileans about the end of the world.
