Prayer That Works Mostra

Prayer That Works

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Decrees in Action

We wanted to minister in the city jail and prison in the city of Tijuana, Mexico, bringing them food and aid and sharing the gospel with them. When we approached the authorities, they firmly denied us entrance. The Lord seemed to be encouraging us to press in, and during prayer, He highlighted Isaiah 45:1–3 to my heart.

These verses made a powerful impact on me, and I wrote out a decree based on that Scripture and gave a copy to everyone on our team to use during our prayer time. In agreement, we declared:

In Jesus’ Name, we decree that the Lord opens doors before us in the city jail and in the federal prison so that their gates will not be shut.

He goes before us and makes the rough places smooth, shattering all resistance.

He gives us the treasures of darkness (souls, healings, deliverances) and hidden wealth of secret places (favor, grace, anointing) so that we know it is the Lord our God who calls us by name to fulfill this assignment.

We prayed it every day for a week in our prayer time and then went back to the jail and prison. In faith, we took blankets, food, toiletries, and Bibles to give to the prisoners. They welcomed us in and did not even make us go through security—this was supernatural favor! We spent hours in that dark place, reaching out to those who were bound and oppressed. Jesus’ hope and love filled the place. Many were saved, healed, and delivered. We were welcomed back over and over. We never faced resistance in the jail or prison after that. The decree went to work on our behalf.

Jesus often used this principle in His ministry. For example, we read in Luke 5:13 about a leper who had come to Jesus. He was full of devastating leprosy, but Jesus decreed, “be cleansed.” Immediately the leper was cleansed; his leprosy was gone. The decree of Jesus’ word brought forth cleansing, healing, and restoration that had not existed previously.

Decree Freedom in Christ:

The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death. In Christ, I live and move and have my being. He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.

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Prayer That Works

What is the best way to ask God for help? Whether you need healing, friends, finances, or something harder to define such as wisdom, how can you pray effectively? God will answer only prayers that correspond to His will, but how can you know for sure what that is? You find out by reading His written Word, the Bible, and praying in faith from God’s promises.
