Habit of Hope: Praying for the MarketplaceMostra

Habit of Hope: Praying for the Marketplace

Dia 3 de 7

Pray for Government 

There has always been a tenuous relationship between Christians and politics. In the first century there was perhaps no more political statement that could be made than, “Jesus is Lord,” because those three words simultaneously proclaimed, “Caesar is not Lord.” Today, the conversation between Christians about politics has become more tense and divisive than perhaps any time in our lives. Even when we are blessed to participate in the election process our interactions, in person and online, can devolve into animosity, quarrelling and malice.

But on this topic, scripture makes one united call to God’s people: Pray. Not complain. Not withdraw into separate groups to speak ill of others. Not ignore it. Pray. 

In today’s passage, Paul writes to his protégé, Timothy, urging him to pray for all people. I find it interesting that Paul makes a point to call out “kings and all those in authority.” Is he concerned that Timothy (and we) might forget to pray for our leaders? Maybe, but this is not so much an issue of memory as it is an issue of humanity. Paul is humanizing the governing leaders. He impresses upon Timothy that they are real people. They have families, interests, worries, fears, doubts and insecurities just like everyone else. It is critical that we, the Church, lift up our leaders at all times, and especially in challenging times.

There is one other piece of wisdom that Paul is imparting to Timothy. He suggests that how we pray and who we pray for is intimately connected to the life we end up living. Praying for a vast array of people, including those we don’t like or agree with, or at times want to dehumanize, is a vital part of our spiritual formation. Godliness and holiness do not flourish when we compartmentalize our lives or our prayers.


God we are grateful for our elected and appointed officials, for their concern for our country and their willingness to serve. Thank you for your children who serve in the sphere of government. We pray that you would give every government official wisdom beyond human insight. Give them a burning desire for the common good and break their hearts with the things that break Your heart. Remove the walls that divide them so that they will be united as they lead us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.  

Dia 2Dia 4

Sobre aquest pla

Habit of Hope: Praying for the Marketplace

We have an opportunity to find new ways of engaging in the marketplace during this pandemic crisis. We have an obligation as followers of Christ to support our coworkers and neighbors in need. Each day of this 7-day plan focuses on one of the seven spheres of influence that define our culture, providing hope through scripture, prayer, and thoughtful ways you can take action to make a difference right now.
