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End Money Anxiety

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Who Provides for You?

Some people avoid money, but others swing hard in the opposite direction and love money. We see the Bible warn against this money disorder a lot. It’s called money worshipping.

Money worshipping is the result of overemphasizing the role of money in our lives. With this intense focus on money, we can believe that money will solve all our problems. This leads to actions like hoarding, workaholism, and overspending.

The divisive question we have to ask here is: Who provides for you? Who rescues us?

When we worship money, we believe the lie that more money can get us out of anything. While money is good, it can’t save us. Only God can do this. 

If money becomes our savior, and not God, then we end up engaging in actions that work against the grain of the Kingdom.

For example, we do something like the Hebrews did when they first left Egypt. When they left Egypt, they took gold with them (Ex. 12:36). But in their impatience and anxiety for Moses to come down from Mount Sinai, they use their gold to fashion a golden calf. And then, they worship it. They literally worshipped their money. 

It’s easy to look at this story and shame these characters. But we do this in our own lives. In our anxiety and impatience for the work of God, we overwork. We stockpile our cash. We spend more just to feel better. What are we saying about money when we do this?

There’s a reason the Bible warns against the love of money. It steals our hearts from rewarding affection of God. Here, we should trust in what is written in Hebrews 13:5. 

“Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

God will keep us. But this requires we keep Him in our hearts and avoid pushing Him out with money.

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End Money Anxiety

The Bible speaks a lot about money, but you still have anxiety over your finances. Where does this anxiety come from? And what does the Bible say about healing this money anxiety? In this 3-day Bible Plan, discover how you can reclaim joy in your finances again and end money anxiety.
