Give It All You’ve GotMostra

Give It All You’ve Got

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The Harvest Is Plenteous.

“Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;” Matthew‬ ‭9:37‬ ‭KJV‬‬

It’s time to go to work. The harvest is plenteous, but the laborers — those willing to work — are few. It’s time to execute in your Call. The laborers, or those who are willing to walk in their call — are few. Choose to walk in your call. The harvest is plenteous, but the laborers — those who are willing to put their hands to the plow — are few. Put your hands to the plow and work. It’s time to execute. Write it. Build it. Lead it. It’s time to do “it”. Obey God.

Choose to advance the Kingdom of God. Walk in your call. Surrender to Him. Surrender your time, talents and gifts to God. Let God use you behind the scenes. Let God use you in public. Let God lead you in private. Let God lead you in public. Surrender to God’s Way of doing things — no matter who is watching. Surrender to God. Surrender your heart and your ways to God — in every area of your life. Surrender to God in every season of your life. He is faithful to fulfill the Promises that He has declared over your life. 

God’s Harvest is plenteous — but it’s up to you to work. Choose to walk by faith and not by sight. Choose to surrender to Him. Submit your gifts to Him. Plow for Him. God is the One who planted the gifts inside of you — use them for His Glory. Don’t stop. Don’t quit. Keep moving forward. Keep plowing for Him. Surrender to Him. Give it all that you’ve got.

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Give It All You’ve Got

Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this powerful, wisdom-filled leadership devotional. What assignment has God given you to accomplish? What assignment has He given you to complete? Trust that God will give you the faith and strength to complete that which He has Promised you. Trust that God will stay true to His Promise. Let God lead your heart and hands as you read this life-transforming devotional.
