The Power We Have Received From GodMostra

The Power We Have Received From God

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Power to be a powerful witness 

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8 ESV)

From the time of Abraham in Genesis 12 through the resurrection of Jesus, all of God’s focus has been on the Jewish people. But no more. With the Great Commission, at the end of each of the four gospels and in Acts 1:8, Christ sends us to all the peoples of the earth. Now we are called to Jerusalem, to Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.

We are called across the street and around the world. We are called everywhere and anywhere.

Our calling is simple: be witnesses for Christ. You are not called to be an evangelist. You are not called to be a preacher. You are not called to be a glib speaker. No, you are called to be a witness—someone pointing to Christ. You are like a signpost pointing to Jesus. Just tell what you know. Tell what you have seen. Tell what he means to you.

But you are not on your own, mind you. God will be with you, in you, beside you. He will empower you with the Spirit. So lean on His power, not yours. Depend upon the Spirit to guide you, strengthen you, and empower you.

When a big storm comes and you lose power in the house, it is no fun at all. You need the power. That is exactly the way our spiritual life is. Do we have power yet? Yes. We do have power. The power of the Spirit. Plug in!

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The Power We Have Received From God

In this era, when people are looking to different sources of energy for the busy life we are living, it is good to know the power we have received from the Lord. Why did our Heavenly Father promise His Spirit to us? Are you experiencing this kind of life? Learn from the first believers the sort of life we have been empowered to live over this earth.
