David’s Greatest AssetMostra

David’s Greatest Asset

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Heart Walk & Work

David survived all the  things he went through because of one thing – his heart. David had a good heart; it was in fact his greatest asset. My prayer is that God will give you and I, a heart that is tender and responsive, a new heart.

Your heart is your greatest asset and you have to guard it diligently as God instructs. There is a lot going on in the world today, things that attempt to steal our hearts. So, guard your heart! 

Jesus could relate with and stand any kind of sin or sinner. But Jesus could not stand hypocrites. Hypocrisy is a disease of the heart. Jesus says, ‘these people draw near unto me with their lips but not with their hearts’. As a believer, you have to ensure that your heart is free from hypocrisy. Say what you mean and mean what you say. 

David’s heart was totally committed to God. When was the last time you had a heart check? Perhaps it is time for one. Who is your heart really committed to? God said about David, “I have found David, He is a man after My heart’”. David got it right with God and this makes him the best person to learn from.

My prayer is that as you go through this study, the Holy Spirit will reveal more and more of David’s heart to you in order to shape your own heart. In this plan, we will examine eight attributes of David’s heart. May God help us to imbibe much more by His Holy Spirit in Jesus Name. Amen!

Thought: What is the Holy Spirit stirring up in your heart? Talk to God about it and commit to a new direction – a God direction.

Prayer: Father, please give me a new heart, and put a new spirit in me. Take out the stony, stubborn heart and give me a tender, responsive heart, in Jesus Name [Ezekiel 36:26]

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David’s Greatest Asset

God pays close attention to the heart, yours and mine. In fact, the heart determines most things spiritually. Your heart can qualify or disqualify you before God. This is why God instructs that, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." Your heart is your greatest asset and you have to pay close attention to what flows in and out of it.
