How To Thrive In Life's Toughest Seasons By Pastor Debra MortonMostra

How To Thrive In Life's Toughest Seasons By Pastor Debra Morton

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God at His core is relational, and since we are made in His image, at our core we are relational as well. He designed us to interact with people. Human beings should love, care for, and interact with other human beings. Some people love their pet(s) but not other people. Something is slightly strange about that. Our God core should prompt us to be relational. However, God went even further and said man needed a more suitable companion for him or a helpmeet.

God Himself desired relationship with man. He made man and breathed life into him. He named the first man Adam and gave him the ability to walk, talk, and develop what was given to him. Notice that the Bible says God made Adam a living soul, and He socialized with Adam and taught him about the environment. When animals were not adequate to fulfill Adam’s needs relationally, God created woman from Adam’s rib, and the woman, too, became a living soul. God refused to be alone, and He refused to leave Adam alone. All this is relational.

When situations arise that tear down our ability to be relational, then we should realize something is wrong. God always provides someone to talk to about our situations, nearby or far away—someone who has expert information or skills and who can change your core through therapy, or someone who can give companionship, friendship, prayer, and love. 

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