Finding You AgainMostra

Finding You Again

Dia 1 de 5

How did I wind up here? What if I can’t do this whole parenting thing right? What about my future? The future of my children? How can I do this alone? 

These are just a few of the questions that single moms may ask themselves. It’s in the midst of these questions that finding courage seems impossible. In fact, fear is much easier to find, isn’t it?

Fear has a way of crippling us – taking life from us. It is a gradual suffocation of courage that we normally hide well. We mask. We smile. And yet, behind closed doors, we cry and tremble and worry. Fear immobilizes, subtracts, withers, crushes, and shatters. It grips our soul and snatches every dream. What once was the joy of the Lord somehow becomes replaced with anger and hopelessness. Fear encourages us to give up and accept the misery of existence versus the excitement of a God-led pursuit. And fear, often, rears its ugly head in the midst of transition.

Many Christians are struggling with fear and allowing it to take our voice and strangle us– secretly and slowly. It is especially true of single mothers who likely never expected to be where you are, regardless of the journey. But there is good news for us today. We can overcome fear and find courage.

In order to battle well, we have to be fearless. 

We have to be filled with courage. To parent those precious babies, to be the best employee you can be, to manage your money well, or to strengthen valuable friendships (and more) we must be free of fear. Our Father in Heaven paid for us to have an abundant life, free from fear and worry and anxiety. 

There are three things that we can do that will allows us to master fear and move into the freedom Christ paid for us to have with great courage.

  1. Acknowledge what fear is. If fear didn’t come from the Lord, then who gave it to us? As Christians, we must understand that fear was given to us by Satan as a mere tactic to keep us distracted and off course for the plans the Lord has for us. We must understand it for what is, then realize we have the authority to dispel fear with the power of Christ’s shed blood.  For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7
  2. Seek God until he takes away our fears. Courage comes from God. Keep pursuing freedom from fear, even when everything around you seems scary and hopeless and endless. Keep pressing in for courage during prayer. Keep asking God to deliver you from the fear that is being forced upon you. Keep on asking and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking and you will find. Keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will open. Matthew 7:7-8
  3. Speak truth. Speak truth over your fear, even when you don’t feel like, even when it seems impossible, and even when it’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done. When Moses died, I am sure that Joshua was afraid of what God was now calling him to do in the book of Joshua. I am sure he had no idea of how he would lead the Israelites. He never expected to be in that situation. Do you find yourself in an unexpected situation today? Are you fearful of your future? Your kids choices? Your finances? Your singleness? God’s word promises you victory, authority, and strength. No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live. For I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will not fail you or abandon you. Joshua 1:5

Take a step forward. Make the decision today to overcome your fears. It may not happen overnight, but resolve it today. Let a friend know about the struggle for accountability. Choose boldness. Choose courage. Choose life, today.

Don’t clamor in a corner like one with no hope. You are a daughter of the King of Kings. You are more than a conqueror in Christ. That challenge, that thing you are facing, is not bigger than your God. He will never leave you. When fear comes for you, don’t retreat and allow it to strangle you. Get ready for war. Wage war against the evil one who has attempted to lie to you and steal the joy God has paid for you to have. Take authority and stand against it.

Points to Ponder:

  • What is your number one fear today?
  • How much time each day do you think you spend thinking about that fear? How much does that equate to in a year?
  • What are some practical ways you can divert your attention from that fear and focus on something positive instead?
  • List 4 truths from the Bible that explain who God says you are. What does he say about your future? What Scriptures can you lean on during your time of fear?
  • Write a prayer that explains to God what you are afraid of and why. Ask him to take away that fear.
Dia 2

Sobre aquest pla

Finding You Again

Welcome to Finding You Again! We are so excited you’ve decided to take the journey with us. This 5-day devotional was written to encourage you along your single parenting journey, whether you are new to it or have been on the trail for a while. Whether you’ve been a single mom for years or just became one, this devotional is for you! So read on…
