The Five Marks of a Man Seven Day Devotion by Brian TomeMostra

The Five Marks of a Man Seven Day Devotion by Brian Tome

Dia 7 de 7

Day 7

Men Lead Others to True Spirituality

1 Peter 3:15

If you truly believe what you believe, how can you not share that? I’m not talking about shouting it on a street corner or thumping someone over the head with the Bible at Thanksgiving dinner; I’m talking about a respectful conversation with those you care about.

Sometimes guys don’t engage others in the area of spirituality because they don’t want to appear closed-minded or judgmental. I’ll admit there’s been a lot of damage done by people with strong spiritual beliefs—from prejudiced attitudes to shunning those who believe differently to holy wars. These kinds of things are wrong and unhealthy. 

But here’s my question: Is that you? Do you think that people who believe differently are ignorant or bad or inferior? If so, keep your mouth shut and ask God to change your heart before you do more damage. If not, it’s critical that your friends and family hear your voice, the voice of someone who can say, “I respect you and I disagree with you. I am your friend no matter what, but here’s what I believe about that.” That’s a man move.

The book of John tells us that Jesus came “full of grace and truth” (1:14). These characteristics may seem contradictory, but Jesus brings them together with the “genius of the and.” He defines right and wrong and he gives freedom in the gray areas. He upholds standards and he forgives when they are broken. I was so captivated by this beautiful spiritual matrix that years ago I had my left shoulder tattooed with a modified yin and yang graphic. It has grace and truth working together encircled by a crown of thorns. 

You can’t tell me that the message of grace and truth isn’t what your family, friends, teammates, coworkers, city, and our world need. Grace and truth are what men share. 

I’m convinced that if men play the role we’re called to play, if we protect spiritually, if we lead others to the same freedom we’ve found, then years from now, when we’re either old and gray or long gone, someone down the line will look at the stumps of our family trees and those we influenced and see big, fat, bold rings. And they’ll know that’s where change happened, where healing occurred, where truth and love came together.

Is there a person with whom you need to have a direct spiritual conversation?


Dia 6

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The Five Marks of a Man Seven Day Devotion by Brian Tome

The transition from boyhood to manhood isn’t marked by age, but by a more substantial reality—one defined by strength, purpose, and a code of honor. This seven-day devotional unpacks five traits to help you step into your design as a man of God: dreams, conviction, work, friendship, and protection.
