Forgiveness Is Freedom - For Everyone! Mostra

Forgiveness Is Freedom - For Everyone!

Dia 5 de 5

They Both Got Free

Here’s another example. Bethany’s story: “When I was a kid, my brother sexually abused me for over a year. As a result, I had nightmares and flashbacks as I grew older. I was afraid of my brother, even more so as we became teenagers and he became an alcoholic. 

“I had heard about forgiveness, but I wasn’t sure how to do it. Then one day a mentor explained to me how Jesus had forgiven us for everything. She told me forgiving my brother could set me free from the torment I was experiencing. 

“She helped me pray a prayer of forgiveness. I prayed something simple like, ‘God I choose to forgive my brother for sexually abusing me. I repent for harboring the anger and unforgiveness for so long and I give it all to you.’ At the time I remember thinking, ‘Sweet! This is it! I won’t have to deal with the nightmares or the flashbacks or the fear anymore.’ 

“But that’s not what happened. The first night all those feelings came back! My mentor said sometimes you have to forgive a person several times - it’s like an onion where each time you forgive someone you’re getting another layer of healing. So I kept at it and was determined to not let unforgiveness take hold in my heart. 

“One night I remember praying and felt a deep relief in my heart. I didn’t tell anyone, to make sure it was really God and really worked. 

“But the peace remained, and within two months of that night my alcoholic, drug-addicted brother was sober and making a better life for himself. As far as I know, he quit cold turkey. He got married this last summer and is the father to two wonderful kids.

“Do I think he got delivered the night I was finally able to forgive him? Well, that’s between him and God, but you have to admit, it’s quite a coincidence. All I know is that forgiveness brought freedom to me and to him.

Forgiveness can set everyone free! When we choose to forgive, we receive peace and freedom, but we also turn someone over to the Lord, which enables Him to work in them and turn entire situations around. That’s when powerful miracles can happen. 

Has this plan helped you? It's adapted from by book "I Forgive You, But...." - read the first part here . 

Dia 4

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Forgiveness Is Freedom - For Everyone!

When someone has hurt us, it can seem hard to forgive. But it turns out, forgiveness is your path to freedom. Not only that, it can set free everyone in the situation! These daily readings can give you faith to forgive and expect God to move in the lives of everyone involved.
