Wow, God! (An Advent Journey)Mostra

Wow, God! (An Advent Journey)

Dia 17 de 25



Dear God... I’m not sure what I want to say. I mean, I am really trying here. These past few days of reading and reflection have taken me to some painful places. But they’ve also taken me to some new places of hope and peace as I learn to experience You. Hope and peace are definitely words you see and hear everywhere at Christmas, but they mean so much more than just Christmas. When I think that You take care of my needs… that You love me without judgment… that You endured all my pain, I can’t help but feel a connection to You I haven’t considered before. And that’s where I find my hope and peace.

I know I can’t just “fix myself” by myself. I need help. I’m broken inside. If I let You in, can You really put my pieces together? I want to trust You. So, how about this - I believe Jesus is Your answer to restoring my broken relationship with You. You sent Him as one of us to do what none of us could do for ourselves. I trust in Jesus for the forgiveness of my sins. Jesus, come alive in my heart now. Help me. Save me. Forgive me. Love me. This is who I am. Here are all my parts. Put my life together. 

Wow, God. You gave us Jesus to forgive us and reconcile us to You.


Have you cried out like this? Have you ever said a prayer like this to God? Telling Him you are sorry for the wrong you have done, that you believe in Jesus, and that you are willing to believe and trust Him? If you haven’t, will you? If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.” (Romans 10:9-10)


God, I know I have done things against You. Against others. Please forgive me. I believe Jesus died so I won’t have to. I believe You brought Him to life again. God, please show me You are real. I give my life to believing in You and following You. Amen.


Dia 16Dia 18

Sobre aquest pla

Wow, God! (An Advent Journey)

Have you ever wondered if God really loves you and uses your life? Advent is the perfect time to see how God wants to capture our hearts by His love. Explore the season through the eyes of someone on a journey to find meaning beyond the traditional Christmas story we all know. This devotional brings a unique approach to December as we consider 25 ways God “wows” us with Jesus.
