UNCOMMEN: Fear NotMostra


Dia 1 de 5


When did we become a nation of worriers? Maybe we learned it from our parents, who learned from their parents, who got it from Adam and Eve when they were kicked out of the Garden of Eden.

Between the 90 hour work weeks, hurricanes, political unrest, and general nervousness, we are a bunch of worry warts. I’m sure you’ve gone to bed exhausted from the day only to have your brain want to go over all of your childhood insecurities for the next 90 minutes. Or maybe you’d like to think about a discussion that will never happen.

Your boss calls you and says he wants to see you in his office tomorrow morning. BOOM! Your mind is flooded with thoughts of unemployment, losing your home, health insurance, and more.

What I love about our verse today is that God knows there will be anxiety, but He provides peace— or in this case…JOY. 

When I started my business, I knew there were going to be days, weeks or even months of unrest. Where would the clients come from? What if I lost a big client? Those thoughts are always going to be there, but I made a commitment that I would let God handle bringing clients in, and I would serve them. 

If a client was about to leave…God knows. If a client was about to show up…God knows. I’ve taken great comfort in the fact that my business is actually God’s business. I’m called to be a good steward for my company, but when it comes down to it…God will get the Glory for everything I do. 

Now, I’m not going to lie and say I’ve never had sleepless nights, but it’s never been about getting or keeping clients. It’s usually about the details of the projects that God has brought into the business.

The details are in God's hands; you're called to trust Him wherever that may lead, even if it means failure. You may have heard that “Fear Not” appears in the Bible 365 times—one for each day of the year. I’m sorry to say, that’s not true. It’s more around 100 times, but many verses speak directly to fear.

Psalm 56 3-4

"When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.

In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid.

What can flesh do to me?"

Uncommen Questions:

How do you handle fear/worry?

Do you take your fear/worry to God in prayer? If so, what has He revealed to you? If not, why?

Uncommen Challenge:

I challenge you to take your fear and worries to the foot of the cross and leave them there. I said….LEAVE THEM THERE. Do not take them there, speak with God and them pick them up as you leave.

Scripture References:
Psalm 94:19
Psalm 56: 3-4

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Anxiety surrounds our life and it seems like there are an infinite amount of sources just piling stress onto our lives. I wonder if God wants that for us? Let me tell you that He doesn't. He wants us to cast all of our worries on Him and dwell on what Jesus accomplished for us. Join us on a 5-day journey of experiencing God’s peace.
