A Tool In God's HandsMostra

A Tool In God's Hands

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The call of God is to be an SVP and what that means is to be completely yielding to God. This was the lesson God sent Jeremiah to learn at the house of the Potter. God is the Potter, and we are the clay in His hands. If we do not yield to Him, He will not be able to fashion us into the tools that will be useful for His purpose. Just as a stiff clay is useless to the Potter, so also, we will be to God if we do not yield ourselves to Him.

Therefore, I urge you to yield yourself to God by:

•  Being intentional about setting out time to fellowship with God through His Word and Prayer

•  Committing what you learn in His Word to practise, even when it seems not to make sense to do so

•  Prepare your heart to hear from God in the way He chooses to speak to you

In conclusion, make up your mind to know God and obey Him.

Hope you enjoyed reading the devotional, it is based on my latest book – And they shall be called the Sons of God. Hope you will have a look. God bless you.


Dia 4

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A Tool In God's Hands

God is always looking to use men and women for His glory. The Bible tells us that the eyes of the Lord go throughout the Earth looking for someone through whom He will show Himself strong (2 Chronicles 16:9). In the selection of the people He uses, God does not consider giftings or personal achievements, but availability and readiness of heart. Based on his book – “And they shall be called the Sons of God,” Tolu Oyewole teaches in this devotional plan that God is not looking for VIPs, but He is looking for SVPs – Servants, Visionaries, and Partners. You will learn, based on the examples of the heroes of the Bible, what it means to be a servant, to have a genuine vision and to partner with the Holy Spirit.
