The Warrior's WayMostra

The Warrior's Way

Dia 7 de 7

Day 7: The Great Mission

The great mission of the Kingdom is upon us… Freedom.

We are in deep need of a reformation. Jesus Himself set the first one in motion, Martin Luther ran point on the second, and now it’s time for the third! Experiencing who we are, where we are, and the good God is up to in our lives are exactly the ingredients of orientation that reform us. One step at a time, encountering and experiencing the Love and Life of God, this restoration of our true selves, is what will lead to the next great reformation.

Not all will listen; not all will want it.

They didn’t in Jesus’ day, nor did they during Luther’s, and they won’t today. But convincing conversions aren’t as effective as convincing lives.

And how can we be sure that we belong to Him? By looking within ourselves: are we really trying to do what He wants us to? I John 2:3

How does He want us to live?

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. Jesus in John 13:34-35

Are Christ’s apprentices able to live like Christ... fiercely, courageously, compassionately and intimately? Conversions and ministry aren’t the goal; intimacy is(!) - intimacy with the Father. Conversions and ministry are the fruit of that intimacy.

Through that intimacy, Jesus showed us what we can believe and how that believing the truth deep in our hearts make us free and will set us free.

Galatians 5:1…

It is for FREEDOM that Christ has set us free.

And living free is the best way to offer freedom.

For those who know, there must be more – those who desire, who long, who want, who thirst – the King is sure to show the path and deploy a guide. Those men won’t have to be converted, they’ll just need to be shown The Warrior Way, how to live fully and abundantly from the Heart, for the Life, and in the Kingdom.

Those who don’t know, who haven’t experienced Heart, Life and Kingdom will need to be shown The Warrior Way by one who simply lives it out and offers it when another is ready.

Why is Freedom the mission of the Kingdom of God?

What does Love have to do with Freedom?

How does Freedom affect how we can Live?

What are the greatest threats to your liberated and new heart? How does the enemy come to steal, kill and destroy your Freedom?

For more on how to live from a new heart, to receive God’s love, to enjoy and protect your Freedom purchased by Christ through the cross, resurrection and ascension, we invite you to pick up a copy of The Heart of a Warrior: Before you can become the Warrior, you must become the Beloved Son.

This Heart of a Warrior Men’s Devotional Series is comprised of excerpts and quotes from The Heart of a Warrior book. To learn more about the book and for other resources visit The Heart of a Warrior | Michael Thompson

Dia 6

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The Warrior's Way

What if everything could change? What if in a few days you could begin an exploration into orientation that would (over time and with God’s help) change everything. Jesus bestowed on His friends a dangerous presence: they were dangerous for good! Warriors in the Kingdom of Christ with whole hearts, full lives and a Kingdom authority are truly dangerous men and women. 
