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Shine Like Stars: Devotions From Time of Graceনমুনা

Shine Like Stars: Devotions From Time of Grace

DAY 6 OF 33

An Attitude That Shines: God's stars trust their Creator

"What--me worry?" For many years the goofy, gap-toothed mascot of "Mad" magazine always had that slogan underneath his picture. We wish. The reality is that you know people who worry a lot. Maybe the chief worrier in your life is you. It's one thing to be concerned about the future. It's another to worry. Worry is fear, fear that you've been abandoned, fear that everything is unraveling, fear that God's throne is empty and his angels are gone.

God's stars shine with confident light in their world. And you know what? The brightest light comes from the testimony of Christians who have suffered, but who still exude confidence. The Lord Jesus himself was sorely tempted at times to feel abandoned and alone, and yet he comforted his disciples with these promises: "Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear... Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" (Matthew 6:25,27).

Trusting God means that I am convinced that God's heart loves me, that his mind has good plans and a good outcome set up for me, and that his hands can reach right into my life to make good things happen for me. I'll be okay. You will be too.

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About this Plan

Shine Like Stars: Devotions From Time of Grace

We are Christians because God chose us; decided to love us in spite of our sin; and sent Jesus to live, die, and rise again for our forgiveness. Belonging to God means changing our sinful ways. This reading plan will help you make those changes in your behavior and life so that you shine like stars.
