Shine Like Stars: Devotions From Time of Graceনমুনা

A Lifestyle That Shines: God's stars are good citizens
The early Christians were often persecuted because their faith was viewed as a threat to the social and political stability of the Roman Empire. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Christians who shine like stars actually can make the best citizens!
It is indeed true that Christians hold a dual citizenship, acknowledging the authority of both God and state. We live in two worlds: a sacred kingdom and secular kingdom. Can we do both? Absolutely! St. Peter (who would one day be martyred for his faith by the emperor Nero) wrote, "Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men. . . . Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king" (1 Peter 2:13,17).
All human governments, even bad ones, are actually God's agents of stability and order. How wonderful when individual Christians and their congregations don't just hunker down and hide in their holy fortresses until judgment day. How wonderful when they get out into their communities and help, clean, repair, and build. How wonderful when their acts of love and mercy, given as freely as Christ's love and mercy, touch and bless the lives of their neighbors, not just fellow church members. And how respectful when Christians refrain from ridiculing their elected officials, even when they strenuously disagree with them.
To love God is also to love your country, you know.
About this Plan

We are Christians because God chose us; decided to love us in spite of our sin; and sent Jesus to live, die, and rise again for our forgiveness. Belonging to God means changing our sinful ways. This reading plan will help you make those changes in your behavior and life so that you shine like stars.
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