King of Thornsনমুনা

5th Day
What is our responsibility after we have received this new life in Christ?
You would agree with me that there is a massive difference between a tree that bears thorns and a tree that bears fruit. The one hurts when you grab it and the other nurtures when you grab it. In John chapter 15 Jesus used one of His most famous analogies to explain how we as Christians are supposed to grow in our walk with the Lord. Jesus said that He is the True Vine and we are the branches, and if we are bearing fruit then the Father will prune us so that we can bear more fruit, but if we don’t bear fruit then the Father will remove us.
When we allow the enemy to work within us, then we will start to develop thorns in our lives. But when we allow Christ to work within us, then we will start to develop fruit in our lives. When we walk past people and we are full of thorns, then we will hurt them, either by our words or by our actions. But Jesus paid the price so we can bear fruit. Not thorns. We are supposed to be trees that bear fruit that remains, so when people walk past us they can pick the fruit of love, joy, peace, and so forth. We are not supposed to sell our fruit, we are supposed to bear our fruit. The best way for this world to see Jesus is through the actions of His followers. Anybody can read the Bible or quote Scripture, but God didn’t call us to draw attention to ourselves by our words but rather to give adoration to Him through our actions.
Jesus made it possible for us to walk in purity, godliness, honor, and righteousness. It is up to us to take hold of His words and let them transform us from the inside out. Jesus wore the crown of thorns on our behalf, meaning He took the curse upon Himself and upon His head. Jesus made it possible for us to think right so we can believe right. When we focus on Him, renew our minds daily with the Word of God, and continually wear the helmet of salvation, we will become fruit-bearing branches.
It is when we believe the lies of the enemy that we will bear thorns. And it is when we believe the truth of God’s Word that we will bear fruit. So all of us have a daily choice, either we will bear thorns that show we are children of the devil, or we will bear fruit that shows that we are children of God. All of us can agree that this world is full of thorns, so let’s make it our passion and ambition to bring more fruit. A Kingdom of fruit-bearing branches.
About this Plan

There are so many things that are part of the Christian life, but one of the main subjects of discussion is the reality of righteousness and freedom from sin. In this plan, we will discover what Jesus accomplished on the cross for us. How that can change our lives so we are not only forgiven of our sins but free from the things that once held us captive.
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