The Bible OverBrew - Bible in a Yearনমুনা

Week 15. Day 1. 1 Kings 17-19.
Introduction to the Elijah and Elisha stories
The narrative has been moving very quickly in 1 Kings 14-16, covering the reigns of 10 different kings. Even though some reigned for long periods, they do not get much coverage in the narrative: their reigns are summed up briefly and tragically, highlighting mainly their sin. But from 1 Kings 16:29 the narrative slows down, focussing on the reign of Ahab in the Northern Kingdom (Israel) and his confrontations with the prophet Elijah, then the similar ministry of Elisha. This whole section is testament to God’s grace and patience. Ahab ‘did more to provoke the LORD the God of Israel than all the kings of Israel who were before him.’ This makes Yahweh’s patience with him - expressed in the ministry of Elijah and Elisha - all the more astonishing! The Elijah and Elisha narratives also form an important backdrop for the ministry of John the Baptist and Jesus.
1 Kings 17-19.
As you read the Elijah stories, there are certain things to keep an eye out for (many of which will be repeated in the Elisha stories)
- What miracles occur?
- Look for the repeated emphasis on the word of God
1 Kings 17 Baal was a Canaanite ‘god’ – a storm god of fertility. As you read chapter 17 (and beyond) notice how God is directly opposing Baal.
1 Kings 18 Elijah and the prophets of Baal
- Can you summarise the story?
- How is God contrasted with Baal?
- How is worship of God contrasted with worship of Baal?
1 Kings 19 How is God’s grace seen here?
Notice that Elijah goes to Sinai. Schreiner comments ‘Elijah is virtually a new Moses in the story, reaffirming Israel’s covenant with Yahweh at Sinai.’ (The King in His Beauty,180)
NOTE: Days 1-5 of each week contain the scripture reading for that week. Day 6 has just the 'key chapters'. If you want a briefer version of this plan that still takes you through the whole Bible, you could just read the key chapters featured on day 6. Day 7 has the podcast video where we discuss the week's reading.
About this Plan

The Bible OverBrew is a friendly virtual book group, helping you read the Bible in big chunks, preferably with a mug of tea! Maybe you've tried to read through the Bible before, but gave up when it felt confusing or too intense? We are here to help you! We provide notes and questions to guide your reading, and note ‘key chapters’ if you don’t have time to read it all. In our podcast at the end of each week we draw out the key themes, and how it all points to Christ. We’d love you to join us!