The Bible OverBrew - Bible in a Yearনমুনা

Week 15. Day 2. 1 Kings 20-22.
1 Kings 21 Naboth’s vineyard. Do you see any foreshadowings here of what happened to Jesus?
21:25-27 What happens? What is your response to this passage?
22:1-12 How does this passage show Ahab’s attitude to the word of the Lord?
This passage is a little tricky. Ahead of a battle, Ahab (king of Israel) doesn’t want to hear what the true prophet Micaiah has to say. This is because ‘he never prophesies anything good about me’ (22:8) unlike Ahab’s own prophets who just say what he wants to hear. Micaiah’s first message (v15) seems to be a sarcastic mimicking of what the false prophets say. But then he gives the real message: this battle will be a disaster (v17)
Amazingly, even the message of the false prophets (saying the battle will be a success) is part of God’s plan, to judge Ahab for his sin (v23)
22:29-40 God has decreed that Ahab will die (19:17 and more explicitly 22:28). Notice the irony in the account of Ahab being killed. Despite all his best efforts (disguises etc.) he cannot escape what God has decreed.
NOTE: Days 1-5 of each week contain the scripture reading for that week. Day 6 has just the 'key chapters'. If you want a briefer version of this plan that still takes you through the whole Bible, you could just read the key chapters featured on day 6. Day 7 has the podcast video where we discuss the week's reading.
About this Plan

The Bible OverBrew is a friendly virtual book group, helping you read the Bible in big chunks, preferably with a mug of tea! Maybe you've tried to read through the Bible before, but gave up when it felt confusing or too intense? We are here to help you! We provide notes and questions to guide your reading, and note ‘key chapters’ if you don’t have time to read it all. In our podcast at the end of each week we draw out the key themes, and how it all points to Christ. We’d love you to join us!