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DAY 3 OF 7

As we continue on with finding what is the ONE THING that is most important, we come to our next component from Psalm 27:4 - SEEK.

One thing I SEEK.

Directly after Jesus teaches his disciples how to pray, he intrigues them with a story of a man who needs something from a neighbour and won’t stop knocking until he gives in. The one who seeks finds. The reason he has access is because of his impudence, or boldness.

We are all seeking something, but what are we really seeking?

We often seek our own gain, or desires. Some of these can be good and some can be selfish, but none can compare with seeking the ONE THING.

Psalm 14:2 says that God is looking at us to see if any are willing to seek Him.

The best way to seek after God is to find Him in His Word. If you are looking for answers, wisdom, guidance, direction, or faith - it’s all found in the Bible.

As we read these words, they become more than just words on a page. They are the living and breathing words of a Holy God who calls us to pursue Him. The best way to pursue God is to spend time with Him. Every time we open the book, we are spending time with the author.

When it comes to reading the Word here are some tips that may help you:

  1. Pray first - ask God to reveal himself to you in the words you read
  2. Be consistent - read and study at the same time every day
  3. Be spontaneous - find extra moments to open the Word
  4. Spend a little more time - the more you spend time with God in his Word, the more you want to
  5. Journal - write out key thoughts and prayers from that days reading
  6. Meditate - let the Word soak in you through the day
  7. Use a range of Bible study tools - these will help break open the truth of God’s Word

If you want to truly seek Him, he will be found (Jeremiah 29:13).

‘Seek not an experience, but seek Him, seek to know Him, seek to realise His presence, seek to love Him. Seek to die to yourself and everything else, that you may live entirely in Him and for Him and give yourself entirely to Him. If He is at the centre, you will be safe.' - David Martyn Lloyd-Jones

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About this Plan


We are going to find what it means to live for Jesus in a distracted world. This world is running at a hundred miles per hour, and we have more information in our hands than we can handle. Is that the nature of this modern world? How do we slow down in such a fast-paced environment? Psalm 27:4 has the answer – ONE THING, with Ps Andrew Cartledge.
