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Christianity 101: Building a Firm Foundationনমুনা

Christianity 101: Building a Firm Foundation

DAY 7 OF 17

The Perfect Lamb of God…

…but with His own blood He entered the Most Holy Place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption.
Hebrews 9:12

We’ve learned that Adam’s and Eve’s disobedience initiated a host of tragic consequences. Immediately, the ashamed couple attempted to cover themselves. Still, it was not enough (Genesis 3:7). The Father came to their rescue by shedding the blood of animals to clothe them (Genesis 3:21).

Herein we see God’s plan. Because the Bible states the life of all flesh is found in blood (Leviticus 17:11), only the shedding of blood—a life for a life—could atone or make payment for the death that sin incurs. We also discover that God’s first covenant of promises for Israel—His chosen people of the Old Testament to display His love for the world involved bloodshed—circumcision—to ratify this covenant (Genesis 17:6-10).

Continuing in the Old Testament, Moses was chosen to bring the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. God sent horrible plagues to demonstrate His power against the slaveholders. The final plague would kill every firstborn child and animal.

For death to pass over their homes, the Israelites were instructed to kill an unblemished lamb and brush its blood over their dwelling’s doorposts. The Feast of Passover was instituted and became a prophetic picture of what the Perfect Lamb of GodJesus—would do for us, sacrificing Himself in our place to atone for our failings.

Later, the covenant between God and Israel was based upon their keeping His law. When they didn’t, the sacrificial blood of innocent animals was provided to atone for their sin. These were nonstop sacrifices!

By faith, the Old Testament Hebrews knew that Passover and the sacrificial system pictured Who was to come, the Messiah (Isaiah 53). Nevertheless, they did not recognize Him when He walked the earth. Hebrew priests, threatened by Jesus’ love and miracles, crucified Him upon Calvary’s cross on the day of Passover. Jesus’ shed blood fulfilled the Old Testament covenant of sacrifices for sin, once for all. The sinless, unblemished Lamb, shedding His perfect blood to bring us home to our Heavenly Father by faith.

Clearly, Christ’s sacrificial blood is all-powerful. In its repugnancy, we see the depth and cost of His sacrifice for our selfishness. Instead of us receiving the death penalty for our sins, Jesus took it for us. He did it all.

  • Ponder what Jesus’ title given by John the Baptist in John 1:29 means for you.
  • Isaiah 53:1-10 prophecies what Jesus’ work on the cross would do. What speaks to your life now as you read this passage?
  • How is your heart moved by Romans 5:8-9?
  • All of the Epistle to the Hebrews reveals the power of Christ’s shed blood. What encourages or challenges you as you read Hebrews 10:19-25?
  • Wonderful promises are given to us in Ephesians 1:6-8. By faith, receive them.
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About this Plan

Christianity 101: Building a Firm Foundation

Every great adventure has a starting point, a beginning place that launches the exhilarating expedition. Such is the extraordinary journey of the Christian faith. Let’s build a firm foundation of eight basic Bible truths, taking two days at a time for exploring: the power of God’s Word, His love, why the cross, grace, Holy Spirit resurrection power, intimacy with God, transforming repentance, and the gift of spiritual warfare.
