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Christianity 101: Building a Firm Foundationনমুনা

Christianity 101: Building a Firm Foundation

DAY 6 OF 17

The Impenetrable Shelter of the Cross...

For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life.
John 3:16 AMPC

A traveler not only needs a helpful guidebook and a firm foundation of footing for their journey; they also need protective covering from the elements.

Jesus has given us this impenetrable covering and security through His shed blood on Calvary’s cross. It is more than enough and all-sufficient. We will now explore why Jesus paid the ultimate price for our lives and what it means for us.

We’ll begin with a brief overview of the first three chapters of Genesis…

God’s prized creation was man and woman, named Adam and Eve. They were created in His image as tri-part beings with a body, soul, and spirit, reflecting the Trinity of the Godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:23). The Father spoke His Word—Jesus—to create them, then breathed into them His life breath—the Holy Spirit. The couple enjoyed a tender and unhindered relationship with their Father, who adored them.

God also granted Adam and Eve complete dominion over everything in the natural world. Everything on planet Earth was available for their need and pleasure. The only plant God warned them not to eat from was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:17). If they did, the consequence would bring immediate death and separation from Him, the source of all life and goodness.

With their God-given free will, Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s warning. In that single moment, all they had been given was lost and cursed. Although they didn’t immediately experience physical death, their innermost spirit, which communed with God, died. This death has been passed onto every human born after them (Romans 5:12). Death and evil were introduced into the world. And the couple’s dominion was handed over—not back to the Father—but to His adversary, the devil.

Because God is holy (completely whole), righteous (wholly right), and He is pure love (agape), the evil and death that consumed Adam and Eve separated them from God. Because of their sin, they could no longer commune with Him intimately or stand in His perfect presence.

However, God so loved His creation that He already had a plan in place should Adam and Eve disobey. God Himself would take on the curse of death so that life could be restored. This plan would make restitution for the death that Adam and Eve incurred, restore their dominion, and thoroughly cleanse the stain of their unholiness, securing their place in God’s presence. He was drawing humanity back into the fold of His embrace.

  • Romans 5:6-11 explains a lot. How are you impacted by this passage?
  • Let’s continue in Romans 5:12-21. How many times do you read the words gift or grace here? Read the passage again and let it sink into your heart and mind.
  • Romans 6:23 succinctly states the gospel of Jesus. What speaks to you?
  • Consider what John 3:16-17 means for you personally.
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About this Plan

Christianity 101: Building a Firm Foundation

Every great adventure has a starting point, a beginning place that launches the exhilarating expedition. Such is the extraordinary journey of the Christian faith. Let’s build a firm foundation of eight basic Bible truths, taking two days at a time for exploring: the power of God’s Word, His love, why the cross, grace, Holy Spirit resurrection power, intimacy with God, transforming repentance, and the gift of spiritual warfare.
