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Homeschool Moms Teach the Psalmsনমুনা

Homeschool Moms Teach the Psalms

DAY 2 OF 7

Day 2 

Psalm 2

Serve Him  . . . Love Him  . . . Trust Him

We are hearing of tragic events, wars, and disasters with much frequency. Evil seems to be ruling around the world. Nations rise against God in their vanity. There’s nothing new under the sun, is there? Before we put our judge’s gown on, we need to know that we may often do the same. We think we can live this very day without God. We trust in our own agendas and ideas. We focus on the evil around us instead of Who rules over all. We forget that God has provided a way of escape through His Son. And then we wonder why we are falling apart. Even so, we have hope! There are three things this Psalm encourages a wise person to do:

Serve Him: “Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.”

Love Him: “Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little.” 

Trust Him: “Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.”

In these verses are doable precepts for living especially during these difficult times. Let’s recap:

Serve Him with joy and rejoicing

Love Him with fear and awe

Trust Him fully and always 

Instead of being ruled by fear, we can live in the fear of the LORD—in awe of Who He is. Peace will rule your heart as you trust Him. 

To Do With The Kids:

Read Psalm 2 together. Discuss what happens to nations that reject God. What provision did God give for these people? He provided a Savior—a righteous Ruler: His Son! Although it looks like evil triumphs, we know that God, through Jesus Christ, won the victory forever and rules even today. 

Discuss what Christians are wise to do even in the midst of uncertain or evil times: Serve Him . . . Love Him . . . Trust Him. Memorize this short phrase together. Pray together for our nation, leaders, and world. Thank Him that He is still in charge. 

Activity: Write the phrase, “Serve Him . . . Love Him . . . Trust Him” in white crayon on a piece of white paper. Paint over it all with watercolors. Watch the secret message appear. 


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About this Plan

Homeschool Moms Teach the Psalms

This 7-Day plan covers the first seven chapters in the book of Psalms. There is a devotion for the parent-teacher, as well as activities and discussion points for your homeschool students. Come read (and teach) the beauty of the book of Psalms through this plan specifically created to fit your busy homeschool day. Your whole family will find refreshment and encouragement in the words of these powerful Psalms.
