When Jesus was teaching and preaching in the towns of Galilee, he said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:28-30 NIV) Wow! What a straightforward call to action and an amazing promise!
We receive rest by coming to Jesus just as we are, sins and all. He doesn't say, "Show me what you've done, good or bad, or what you've accomplished, and I'll decide if you're worthy of my rest." Nor does He say, "Show me how many diplomas hang on your wall and how many titles are behind your name, and I'll give you rest." He simply says, "Come." The promise of rest that Jesus freely offers to ALL, is the security of salvation and eternal rest with Him. It can't be earned or purchased: it is a gift by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ.
The rest that Jesus offers is for your whole being, both physical and spiritual. Give Jesus the heavy yoke of all your burdens. He can handle it. Maybe one of your burdens is a sin you've been carrying around, one that's weighing you down and making you weary, even sick. If so, go to God in prayer and talk to Him about it. Confess it to Him, and you will receive forgiveness and rest. Place your full trust in God and His promise. Enter into Jesus' rest, by faith, in His sacrifice on the cross. Once you accept your inability to enter into Jesus' rest on your own, your yoke will be easier, and your burden light, because Jesus carried it on the cross for you.
About this Plan

Does life seem exhausting? Do you need to reboot, either physically or spiritually? We've all experienced exhaustion in this crazy busy world, but how often do we refuse to rest because we think it's unimportant or even considered being lazy? God prioritized rest after He created the world, and Jesus promises to give you rest when you come to Him. Jesus invites you to rest now.
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