We live in a world that moves ultra-fast. It's a computerized, available 24/7 "insta" world where things need to get done yesterday, and there's no time to press pause. We're hurried, anxious, stressed, and restless, and have lost the concept of patience, waiting, and rest. If you've ever said, "There just aren't enough hours in a day!" and feel burned out, you're not alone.
I recently found an old journal entry from when I was a full-time university student, working two jobs to pay for my education and living expenses. I was barely 18 years old and wrote that I felt like a robot, working, writing, and spitting out papers for my professors day after day after day. I felt like a machine, a machine that was about to break down.
The super-hero machine syndrome is alive and well among the wearied single mom working several jobs to provide for her family, the exhausted, front-line worker fighting tirelessly around the clock to save lives during the Coronavirus pandemic, the business executive or entrepreneur trying to meet countless deadlines.
But God didn't create you or me to be machines. He personally created us in His image. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, unique to God, and valuable in His eyes. You are His workmanship. You are His work of art made to good things and have a personal relationship with Him, not a mechanical one. Praise God now and thank Him that He considers you his work of art, the high point of His creation! As God's image-bearer, you are made to represent Him in every circumstance. Where has God placed you today to reflect His glorious image?
Footnote: All illustrations in this plan are from the Wiedmann Bible, which includes 3,333 hand-painted images of the Old and New Testament by German artist Willy Wiedmann (1929-2013)
About this Plan

Does life seem exhausting? Do you need to reboot, either physically or spiritually? We've all experienced exhaustion in this crazy busy world, but how often do we refuse to rest because we think it's unimportant or even considered being lazy? God prioritized rest after He created the world, and Jesus promises to give you rest when you come to Him. Jesus invites you to rest now.
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