For His Glory!
In today’s world, especially in the West, promoting ourselves has become easier than ever. From the moment we wake up until our heads hit the pillow at night, our natural inclination in this fast-paced digital age is self-promotion. From Instagram selfies and social media descriptions to public personas and private messages, “our glory” can quickly become our number one priority.
But this shouldn’t be so as Christians. Scripture teaches that God is to be glorified above all things—because He is the Creator and Sustainer of all things. It is by His word the stars were birthed into existence, and it is by His power our lungs breathe to sustain us. Above all things, God is to be glorified—not us.
As Matthew Henry says, “Whoever are great among men, it is God’s hand that makes them so; and, whatever strength we have, it is God that gives it to us.”
As followers of Jesus Christ, our lives are to express more of a love for God’s glory than our own glory. We should not get lost in seeking the approval of others or serving ourselves—but rather we should be found seeking the approval of God and serving Him alone.
We can do this in very simple ways by first focusing on His greatness through what He created. Just look around and stand in awe. Then thank Him for your salvation and watch how your mind will begin to gravitate away from yourself and more toward Him. From there, commit to use your time, talents, and treasure (including social media) to glorify Him—because He is worth it all!
Jesus said “When you lose your life you’ll find it” (Matthew 10:39). So, spend some time thinking about God, and thanking Him for creation.
About this Plan

The I WILL STAND STRONG 30-DAY CHALLENGE will give you the confidence needed to stand strong against the attacks in the culture, as you grow in your LOVE for God, LIVE in community, and LEAD as a voice of truth wherever you go. A devotion plan guaranteed to strengthen your faith and inspire your life to live boldly.
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