Pleasing God
When my (Jason Benham) oldest son was a young boy, he played t-ball. He was so cute in his little uniform. With his pants pulled way up high and his oversized helmet making him look like an animated bobble-head doll. He was so proud to be out there.
But what I noticed he loved most of all - was not the game, but the look on my face if he did something well. He’d get a hit and then stand there on the base looking around until he saw me. He would then crack a big smile as if to say, “Hey dad, did you see that? Aren't you proud of me?”
I’d smile back really big and give him a thumbs up.
My son’s goal wasn't to get a hit or win the game. It was to make his dad smile. That’s all his little heart wanted. And as a father, it warmed my heart to know it.
The Apostle Paul echoes this sentiment when writing about how we are to treat our Heavenly Father, “Therefore we also have as our ambition, whether at home or absent, to be pleasing to Him” (2 Corinthians 5:9).
As a believer, your one goal should be the same as my son's on the baseball field. To make your Heavenly Father smile! Having this mindset will change the way you live your life. It won’t be you leading your life. Your life will be led by God!
God’s love for you is unconditional. But His favor is conditioned upon your obedience. When you seek to make Him smile, He grants you the favor you need to do the things He’s asked you to do.
About this Plan

The I WILL STAND STRONG 30-DAY CHALLENGE will give you the confidence needed to stand strong against the attacks in the culture, as you grow in your LOVE for God, LIVE in community, and LEAD as a voice of truth wherever you go. A devotion plan guaranteed to strengthen your faith and inspire your life to live boldly.
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