Luke 7
chapter seven
1after the as he has finished the all words his in the ears of the people, is he entered to K'far-Nachum.
2and a certain (Roman) officer a servant, whose was there (for) much value valued, is lie sick and held at the death. 3and on hearing about Yehoshua, has he sent to him elders of the Jews him to ask, that he shall come to heal the servant his. 4and when they are come to Yehoshua, have they him very begged, so to say: he is worthy, that you (SG) you shall do the these for him; 5because he has love our people, and the synagogue has he himself us built. 6is Yehoshua go with them. and when they are already not was distant from the house, has the (Roman) officer sent friend, so to say to him: L-rd, trouble you not; because I am not worthy, that you (SG) you shall come in under my roof; 7for that have I me myself not held for worthy to come to you (SG). but say a word, and my servant will healthy to be! 8because also I am a man, who is stand under authority, and have under me soldiers, and I say to the this: go! and he goes; and to an other: come! and he comes; and to the servant mine: do this! and he does it. 9and when Yehoshua has this heard, has he self amazed over him, and has self turn around and said to the crowd people, who has him followed: I tell you (PL), not even in Israel have I found just such faith! 10and when the messengers have self returned home, have they found the servant healthy.
11and it is happened, on the next morning is he went away in a city into, what has named Nain, and his disciples are accompany, and a great crowd people. 12and as he has self come near to the gate of the city, look, they has carried out a dead man, an only son with the mother his, and she was a widow; and an considerable crowd from the city was with her. 13and seeing her, has the L-rd self had compassion over her, and to her said: lament not! 14and is went over and has touched the coffin; and the pallbearers have self stopped. and he has said; young man, I tell you (SG), stand up! 15and the dead man has self sit up and has begun to speak. and he has him given to his mother. 16and (to) everyone has seize a fear; and they have praised Hashem, so to say: a great prophet is stand up among us, and Hashem has self looked favorably on his people. 17and the these story about him has self spread in all Yehudah and in the whole region around.
18and John's disciples have him reported about all the this. and summoning to self two of his disciples, 19has John them sent to the L-rd, so to say: (question) you are the one, who must come, or should we wait on an other? 20and when the men are come to him, have they said: John of the (Yarden) mikveh has us sent to you (SG), so to say: (question) you are the (one), who must come, or should we wait on an other? 21and in that hour has he a many healed of diseases and of affliction/plague and of evil spirits; and a many the blind has he granted free the sight. 22and he has answering to them said: go and tell John what you (PL) have seen and heard: the blind to be seeing, lame go around, lepers to be cleansed, and deaf hear, dead stand up, to poor people is announced the Good News. (Yeshayah 35, 5-6; 61, 1.) 23and blessed (them) is the one, who will not stumbling in me.
24and when John's messengers are went away, has he begun to speak to the crowds of people about John: who are you (PL) went out in the wilderness into to see? a reed shaken by the wind? 25but who then are you (PL) went out to see? a man dressed in expensive clothing? look, those who wear fine clothing and live in luxury, find self in royal palaces. 26but who then are you (PL) went out to see? a prophet? yes, I tell you (PL), and more than a prophet. 27he is it, about whom it stands written:
look, I send my messenger before your face,
who will prepare your way before you (SG).
(Malachi 3, 1)
28I tell you (PL), among those, who are born become of women, is not there any greater than John; yet is the one least in the kingdom of Hashem greater than he. 29and the whole people, who has him heard, and the tax collectors have justified Hashem, letting self immerse be with the mikveh of John. 30the Pharisees however and the wise ones have rejected the counsel of Hashem of self, because they have self not let immerse be in the mikveh of him. 31to whom then shall I compare the people of the this generation, and to whom are they like? 32they are like to children, who sit on the marketplace, and call one to the other and say: we have played for you (PL), and you (PL) has not dance; we have wail, and you (PL) has not weep. 33because John (of the Yarden mikveh) is come and has not eaten any bread and not drink any wine; and you (PL) say: he has a evil spirit! 34the Son of Man is come, eats and drink yes; and you (PL) say: look, a man a glutton and drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners! 35and yet is the wisdom vindicated in all her children.
36and one of the Pharisees has him invite, to eat with him. and he is entered in the Pharisee's house, and has self took his place to the table. 37and look, in the city was a certain sinner woman; and find out, that he sits to the table in the Pharisee's house, has she brought an alabaster bottle with myrrh oil, 38and has self stood from behind with his feet, and has begun to moisten his feet with her tears, and them wipe off with the hair of her head, and has kissed his feet and them anoint with the myrrh. 39however seeing that, has the Pharisee, who has him invited, to themselves alone spoken, so to say: if he were a prophet, would he known who and who for a sort woman she is, who touch him without, that she is a sinner. 40and answering, has Yehoshua to him said: Simon, I have you (SG) something to say. and he has said: Rebbe, tell! 41a certain lender has had two masters of debts; one is him owed was five hundred denarii, the another only fifty. 42and because they have not had to pay, has he them both pardoned. therefore which of them will him more love have? 43Simon has answering said: I take onwards, that the, whom he has the most of pardoned. and he has to him said: you (SG) you have rightly judged! 44and turning around self to the woman, has he said to Simon: you (SG) you see the these woman? I am come in in your house, any water for my feet you have me not given; she however has me moistened the feet with her tears, and them wipe off me her hair. 45any kiss you have me not given; however she, since I am come in, has not cease to kiss my feet. 46with oil my head you have not anoint; she however has anoint my feet with myrrh. 47on account of which I tell you (SG), her sins, the many, are its forgiven become; because she has a much love had; whom however little becomes forgiven, that (one) loves little. 48and he has to her said: your sins are you (SG) forgiven become! 49and those sitting with have begun to say among themselves: who is the (one) the this one, who is even forgive sin? 50he however has said to the woman: your faith has you saved, go in peace!
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English Interlinear of the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadasha
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