Mairk 14
Tha ploat tae get rïd o Jesus
1It wus twa days afore tha Passower an tha Faist o Bairmless Breid, an tha heid preeshts, an tha maistèrs o tha Laa wus colloguin thegither tae git tha houl o Jesus bi some sleekit wye, fer tae pit hïm tae deith. 2“But no whaniver tha Faist's on,” the' saed, “or we'll hae a garevitch on oor hans.”
Tha wee crock o scent
3Yin day, whan Jesus wus ïn Simon tha Leper's hoose ïn Bethanie, he wus at tha boord fer a bite tae ait, whan a wumman cum ïn wi a wee crock o scent: ït wus oyle o pure nard an coast bïg money. Brekkin aff tha tap o tha stoup, she poored tha oyle ower hïs heid. 4But some o thaim that wus thair wus sair ïll-plaised, an saed yin tae tither, “Whut fer wus thïs waste o guid nard? 5Fer ït cud hae bin soul fer mair ner thrie hunnèr siller coins#14.5 denarii an tha catter gien tae tha puir.” Sae the' turnt an yaukt tha wumman. 6But Jesus saed, “Lea hir alane. Dïnnae bother hir, fer thïs ïs a guid thïng she's daen fer me. 7Fer ye'll aye hae tha puir wi yis, an ye can be guid tae thaim whaniver ye want. But ye'll no aye hae me wi ye. 8She haes daen aa she cud, fer she haes cum aforehan tae anoint ma bodie fer buryin. 9A'm tellin ye tha truith, whariver tha Guid News ïs praicht ower tha hale warl, hir storie wull be toul sae as she'll niver be fergot.”
Judas daes a dail wi tha preeshts
10An Judas Iscariot, yin o tha Twal, gaed awa tae tha heid preeshts fer tae bethray Jesus ïntae thair hans. 11An whan the' heerd ït, the' wur richt gled, an gien thair wurd tae gie hïm siller fer hïs wark. Sae he lukt oot fer a guid chaunce tae han Jesus ower.
Tha Faist o Bairmless Breid
12On tha furst day o tha Faist o Bairmless Breid, whan the' aye kïllt tha Passower lamb, Jesus' follaers axt hïm, “Whar dae ye want iz tae gang tae mak readie fer tha Passower mail?” 13Sae Jesus sent oot twa o hïs follaers ïntae Jerusalem wi thair oardèrs. “As ye gang ïntae tha cïtie,” he toul thaim, “a man cairryin a crockerie jar o wattèr wull meet ye. Follae hïm, 14an say tae tha guidman o tha hoose he gangs ïntae, ‘Tha Maistèr says, Whar ïs ma ruim whar A can ait tha Passower wi ma follaers?’ 15An he wull show yis a bïg upstair ruim, plenisht an aa. Ye ir tae mak ït readie fer iz thair.” 16Tha follaers gan oot, an awa ïntae tha cïtie, an the' fun ït jist as he haed saed. Sae the' made readie tha boord fer tha Passower mail. 17Whan ït wus weel on ïn tha evenin, Jesus cum wi tha twal possels. 18As the' wur lyin at tha boord an aitin, Jesus saed, “A tell ye tha truith, yin o yis that's suppin wi me noo ïs fer bethrayin me.” 19The' wur aa sorrie whaniver the' heerd thïs, an yin bi yin the' axt hïm, “Is ït me ye ir taakin aboot?” [An anither yin saed, “Is ït me?”] 20He saed bak tae thaim, “It's yin o yous twal that's dïppin hïs han ïn tha boul wi me; 21fer A, tha Sinn o Man, maun follae tha róad tha Scrïptures foretoul lang syne. But wile sorra tae tha yin that bethrays me. Faur bettèr fer that man ïf he haed niver bin boarn!”
Tha Last Supper
22An as the' wur aitin, Jesus tuk breid ïn hïs hans an gien thenks tae God. Then he brauk ït, an he hannit ït tae hïs follaers sayin, “Tak ït; thïs ïs ma bodie.”
23An he tuk a bicker o wine an gien thenks tae God fer ït. Then he hannit ït roon, an the' aa drunk frae ït. 24An he saed tae thaim, “Thïs ïs ma bluid, a sign o God's new coveynant, sealed wi ma bluid poored oot fer monie. 25Mairk thïs, A'll drïnk nae mair o tha fruit o tha vine, tae A drïnk a new wine ïn tha Kïngdom o God.” 26Then the' sung tha Passower psaum, an the' went oot on tae tha Moont o Olives.
Jesus foretells Petèr wull deny hïm
27“Yis'll aa faa awa on accoont o me [tha nicht],” Jesus saed tae thaim. “Fer as ït's writ, ‘A wull strike tha shepherd an tha sheep'll be scattèrt.’ 28But eftèr A hae ris frae tha deid, A'll tak tha foreróad o ye ïntae Galilee.” 29An Petèr saed tae hïm, “Tha mair tha rest'll faa awa, A'll no!” 30“Petèr,” Jesus saed tae hïm, “A tell ye tha truith, afore thïs verie nicht's oot an tha roostèr craas twice, ye'll say thrie times ower that ye dïnnae ken me.” 31“Na,” saed Petèr aa tha mair earnest, “no e'en ïf A hae tae dee wi ye! A wull niver deny ye!” An aa alang wi hïm vood tha same.
Ang'uish ïn Gethsemane
32An the' cum tae a place bi tha name o Gethsemane, an he saed tae hïs follaers, “Sït doon here til A gang an pray.” 33An he tuk Petèr, Jeames an Jhone wi hïm, an a wile dhread an pooerfu hairt-sorra cum ower hïm. 34An he saed tae thaim, “Ma hairt's brekkin wi ang'uish, near tae deith. Yous bide here an stye awaak.” 35An gaun forrit a weethin he cast hissel tae tha grun, an he prayed that, ïf poassible, tha oor o sufferin micht gang bye hïm. 36“Abba, Faither,” he saed, “Aa thïngs ir poassible wi you. Nocht's abain yer pooer. Tak awa thïs cup o sufferin frae me. Nane tha less, ït's your wull A'm wantin, an no ma ain.” 37An he cum bak an he fun thaim sleepin, sae he saed tae Petèr, “Simon, ir ye sleepin! Cud ye no stye awaak even tha yin oor? 38Watch an pray, sae ye dïnnae gie ïn tae temptation. Tha spïrit's wullin, but tha bodie's waik.” 39An agane he gaed awa an he prayed tha same wurds, 40an whaniver he cum bak, yinst mair he fun thaim sleepin, fer the' cudnae keep thair een apen, an the' dïdnae ken whut answer tae gie hïm. 41Yit a thurd time he cum bak, an he saed tae thaim, “Ir yis aye sleepin, an aye takkin yer rest? That's eneuch noo! Luk, tha oor haes cum, an tha Sinn o Man ïs bethrayed ïntae tha hans o wrangdaers. 42Git up noo, an we'll be aff! Here cums ma bethrayer!”
Jesus arrestit
43Tha wurds wusnae richt aff hïs tung, whan up cum Judas, yin o tha Twal, an alang wi hïm wus a hale thrang o fowk wi swords an stavs, sent oot frae tha heid preeshts [an maistèrs o tha Laa] an tha eldèrs. 44An tha traiter haed gien thaim a sign: “Hïm that A kïss,” saed he, “ïs tha man ye'r lukkin. Tak tha houl o hïm, an keep hïm weel gairded.” 45As shuin as Judas cum, he gaed strecht up tae Jesus an he saed, “Rabbi!” an he kïsst hïm. 46Then tha ithers tuk houl o Jesus an arrestit hïm. 47An yin o thaim that stud bye tuk oot a sword an he hut tha sarvint o tha Heich Preesht, an he sneddit aff hïs lug. 48Jesus saed tae thaim, “Am A some soart o a reiver that ye hae cum oot agin me wi swords an stavs fer tae tak me? 49Shair A wus wi yis iverie day ïn tha Hoose o God, taichin ye, yit ye niver layed a han on me. But whut's writ ïn tha halie Scrïptures maun cum aboot.” 50An tha hale lock o thaim left hïm an run awa.
51But thair wus a young man follaein hïm, wi nocht on hïm but a linen claith wrapt roon hïs nakit bodie, an the' tuk houl o hïm. 52But he run aff scuddybare, leain tha claith ïn thair hans.
Jesus up afore tha Cooncil
53An the' tuk Jesus awa tae tha Heich Preesht; an aa tha heid preeshts, tha eldèrs o tha fowk, an tha maistèrs o tha Laa wus gethert thegither. 54An Petèr follaed hïm a lang wye behin, richt ïntae tha palace yaird; an he sut doon alang wi tha gairds, an wairmed hissel at tha apen fire. 55Noo tha heid preeshts an tha hale Cooncil wus lukkin fer men at wud wutness agin Jesus, sae the' cud pit hïm tae deith. But the' cudnae fin onie. 56Fer tha mair monies a yin wutnesst agin hïm, whut the' cum oot wi dïdnae cumpluthèr. 57-58In tha enn, some o tha wutnesses stud up an saed, “We heerd hïm oorsels. He saed, ‘A'll pu doon thïs Hoose o God bigged bi man. An ïn thrie days A'll big anither yin, an ït'll no be tha han o man that bigs ït.’ ” 59But thair stories dïdnae cumpluthèr. 60An tha Heich Preesht ris tae hïs feet ïn tha mïddle o thaim aa. An he axt Jesus, “Hae ye nae answer tae these chairges? Whut hae ye tae say fer yersel?” 61But Jesus hel hïs tung. Sae tha Heich Preesht püt anither question tae hïm, “Ir ye tha Christ, tha Sinn o tha Blissit Yin?” 62An Jesus saed, “A am. An ye wull see me, tha Sinn o Man, saitit at tha richt han o tha Michtie Yin, an cumin ïn tha cloods o heiven.” 63Wi that, tha Heich Preesht tore hïs claes, an saed, “Whut need hae we o onie mair wutnesses? 64Yis hae aa heerd hïs blesphemie fer yersels. Whut dae yis jalouse o ït?” An the' aa saed he desarved tae be püt tae deith. 65An some o thaim fell tae spïttin on hïm. The' püt a blinfoul on hïm, an hemmert hïm wi thair fïsts, sayin, “Tell iz wha hut ye!” An even tha gairds tuk tae slappin hïm wi tha flet o thair hans.
Petèr denies Jesus
66Noo aa thïs time Petèr wus doon ïn tha coortyaird, an yin o tha Heich Preesht's sarvin lasses cum bye. 67Seein Petèr wairmin hissel at tha fire, she tuk a guid luk at hïm an saed, “You wur wi Jesus frae Nazareth tae, sae ye wur!” 68But Petèr wudnae own up tae ït. “A dïnnae ken whut ye'r taakin aboot,” saed he, an he slipt oot ïntae tha entrie. Jist then a roostèr craad. 69An tha sarvin lass saen hïm agane, an yinst mair she stairtit tellin tha ithers hingin aboot, “Thair's nae doot thïs man's yin o thaim!” 70Petèr denied ït yinst mair. An a wee while eftèr, tha yins roon aboot saed tae Petèr agane, “Ye maun be yin o thaim, fer [bi tha wye ye taak] ye ir frae Galilee.” 71“As God's ma wutness,” saed Petèr, “A sweer A dïnnae ken thïs man!” 72At that verie minnit, tha roostèr craad tha saicont time. An richt awa Petèr haed mine o tha wurds Jesus spauk tae hïm: “Afore tha roostèr craas twice, ye wull deny me thrie times.” At tha verie thocht o ït, he brauk doon an wep sair.
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Mairk 14: USNT

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