Mattha 23
Seiven waes
1Then Jesus saed tae tha croods an tae hïs follaers, 2“Tha maistèrs o tha Laa an tha Pharisees sïts ïn Moses' sait. 3Sae ye maun obey thaim an dae iveriethin the' tell ye. But dïnnae dae tha same as thaim, fer the' dïnnae prectis whut the' praich. 4The' tye up heavie burdens ower-wechtie tae cairt, an the' pit thaim on fowks' shoodèrs, but they thairsels ir no wullin tae lïft a fïng'r tae halp thaim. 5Iveriethin the' dae ïs daen fer men tae see: the' mak thair phylacteries#23.5 phylacteries: prayer-boxes the' strapt tae thair airms or thair foreheids. extrae wide an tha taussels on thair clokes extrae lang; 6the' love tae be at tha tap table at faists, an tae hae tha best saits ïn tha Meetin Hooses; 7the' laik men tae touch thair keps tae thaim ïn tha mairket places, an tae caa thaim ‘Rabbi’.#23.7 “Rabbi” mains “Dominie” 8But yous ir tae let naebodie caa you ‘Rabbi,’ fer yis hae onlie tha yin Maistèr an yis ir aa brithers. 9An dïnnae caa oniebodie on irth ‘Faither,’ fer yis hae onlie tha yin Faither, an he ïs ïn heiven. 10Nether let oniebodie caa ye ‘Leader’, fer yis hae onlie tha yin Leader, an that's Christ. 11Tha maist impoartin amang ye maun be yer sarvint. 12Fer whaiver sets hissel up wull be brocht doon a peg, an whaiver hummles hissel wull be hel ïn heich regaird.
13Wae faa ye, maistèrs o tha Laa an Pharisees, ye hippycrates! Fer ye shut tha dure o tha Kïngdom o Heiven ïn fowks' faces. You yersels dïnnae enter, an yis'll no alloo thaim tae enter that's tryin tae git ïn! 14[Wae faa ye, maistèrs o tha Laa an Pharisees, ye hippycrates! Fer ye swallae up weedas' hooses an ye mak lang prayers fer a show; sae yis'll be condemned aa tha mair.] 15Wae faa ye, maistèrs o tha Laa an Pharisees, ye hippycrates! Fer ye trevel ower lan an sea tae git a sing'l convert, an whaniver he cums roon tae yer wye o thïnkin, ye mak hïm twice as much a sinn o hell as yis ir yersels.
16Wae faa ye, blin guides! Ye say, ‘If oniebodie sweers bi tha Hoose o God, ït mains naethin; but ïf oniebodie sweers bi tha gowld o tha Hoose o God, he'll be hel tae hïs oath.’ 17Ye blin coofs ye! Whut's mair impoartin: tha gowld, or tha Hoose o God that maks tha gowld halie? 18Ye say as weel, ‘If oniebodie sweers bi tha althar, ït mains naethin; but ïf oniebodie sweers bi tha gift on ït, he ïs bun bi hïs oath.’ 19Ye blin men! Whut's mair impoartin: tha gift, or tha althar that maks tha gift halie? 20Sae, tha yin that sweers bi tha althar sweers bi ït, ay, an bi iveriethin on ït as weel. 21An hïm that sweers bi tha Hoose o God sweers bi ït, an bi tha Yin that leeves ïn ït. 22An tha yin that sweers bi heiven sweers bi God's throne, an bi tha Yin that sïts on tha throne.
23Wae faa ye, maistèrs o tha Laa an Pharisees, ye hippycrates! Ye gie a tenth o yer gairden spices - yer mint, dill an cummin. But yis hae neglectit tha mair impoartin mettèrs o tha Laa - justice, mercie an faith. Gie yer tenth, but dïnnae ferget tae be fair an kine tae ithers, as weel. 24Ye blin guides! Ye strain oot a mïdge, but ye swallae a kemel.
25Wae faa ye, maistèrs o tha Laa an Pharisees, ye hippycrates! Ye waash tha ootside o tha bickers an tha plates, but tha inside o thaim's fu o whut ye got bi yer plunnerin an greed. 26Blin Pharisee! Furst clain tha inside o tha bicker [an tha plate], an then tha ootside wull be clain as weel.
27Wae faa ye, maistèrs o tha Laa an Pharisees, ye hippycrates! Ye ir laik white-waashed graves, that luk quare an nice on tha ootside but on tha inside the'r fu o deid men's banes an iveriethin that's no clain. 28In tha same wye, on tha ootside fowk wud thïnk ye wur guid leevin, but on tha inside ye'r fu o hypocrisie an wïckitness.
29Wae faa ye, maistèrs o tha Laa an Pharisees, ye hippycrates! Fer yis big tombs fer tha proaphits an fancie monuments fer guid men o lang syne. 30An ye say, ‘If we haed hae leeved ïn tha days o oor forefaithers, we wudnae hae bin pairtie tae sheddin tha bluid o tha proaphits.’ 31In sayin that, ye'r wutnesses agin yersels. Ye'r bred frae thaim that murdèred tha proaphits, sae ye ir. 32Gang aheid, feenish aff whut yer forefaithers begun! 33Ye snakes! Ye shooer o vipers! Hoo wull ye escape bein condemned tae hell? 34Sae A'm gaun tae senn ye proaphits, an wise men, an taichers. Some o thaim ye'll kïll an hing on a cross; ithers ye'll whup ïn yer Meetin Hooses an ye'll hunt thaim frae toon tae toon. 35Acause o thïs, on your heids wull faa tha bluid o aa tha upricht fowk that haes iver bin spïllt on tha irth, frae tha kïllin o that guid man Abel tae tha kïllin o Zechariah sinn o Barachiah - hïm that ye murdèred ïn tha Hoose o God atween tha Halie o Halies an tha althar. 36A tell ye tha truith, tha judgemen fer aa thïs wull faa doon on thïs verie genèration.
Jesus' sorra ower Jerusalem
37O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you that kïll tha proaphits an stane thaim that's sent tae ye, monies tha time A wantit tae gether yer weans thegither, laik a hen gethers hir lachter o wee burds unnèr hir wïngs, but yis wudnae let me! 38Luk, yer Hoose haes bin forsook, an noo ït's empie. 39Fer A tell ye thïs, ye'll no see me agane til ye say, ‘Blisst ïs tha Yin that cums ïn tha name o tha Loard!’ ”
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Mattha 23: USNT

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