Mattha 19
Jesus axt aboot divorce
1Whaniver Jesus wus daen sayin these thïngs, he left Galilee. He gaed ïntae Judea an crosst ower tha rïver Joardan. 2Bïg croods follaed hïm, an he hailt tha seeck amang thaim.
3Some Pharisees cum up tae hïm, an tae pit hïm tae tha test the' axt hïm, “Is a man allooed tae pit awa hïs wife fer onie an iverie raison?” 4“Hae ye no read,” Jesus answert, “that richt frae tha stairt tha Creator ‘made men an he made weemen,’ 5an that he saed, ‘Fer thïs raison a man wull lea hïs faither an hïs mither an be joint tae hïs wife, an tha twa wull becum as yin’? 6An noo the' ir nae mair twa seprit fowk, but the' ir yin. Sae whut God haes püt thegither, let nae man püll sinnerie.” 7“Whut fer then,” the' axt hïm, “whut fer dïd Moses say that a man cud gie hïs wife a notysh o divorce an pit hir awa?” 8Jesus saed, “Moses allooed ye tae divorce yer wifes acause yer hairts wus haird. But thïs wusnae tha wye o ït frae tha stairt. 9A tell ye that oniebodie that pits awa hïs wife, fer ocht ither ner rinnin aff wi anither man, an then merries anither wumman - that man commïts adultèrie.”
10Hïs follaers saed tae hïm, “If that's tha wye o ït wi a man that haes a wife, shair ït wud be faur bettèr no tae merrie ava!” 11Jesus saed, “It's no iveriebodie can hannle that, jist thaim that's halpt bi God. 12Fer some ir eunuchs acause the' wur boarn that wye; ithers wur made that wye bi men; an ithers haes gien up tha chaunce o merriage acause o tha Kïngdom o Heiven. Tha yin that can hannle thïs shud accept ït.”
Jesus blisses tha wee weans
13Some weans wur brocht tae Jesus fer hïm tae pit hïs hans on thaim an pray fer thaim. Hïs follaers scoult tha yins that brocht thaim, 14but Jesus saed, “Alloo tha weans cum tae me, an dïnnae houl thaim bak, fer tha Kïngdom o Heiven belangs tae tha laiks o thaim.” 15An eftèr he püt hïs hans on tha weans tae bliss thaim, he gaed on frae thair.
Walth ïn heiven
16Noo, alang cum thïs man tae Jesus an axt hïm, “Maistèr, whut guid thïng maun A dae tae hae iverlastin life?” 17“Whut dae ye main bi ‘guid’?” Jesus saed. “Thair ïs Yin alane that ïs guid. If ït's iverlastin life ye'r wantin, dae whut tha commauns bïds ye!” 18“Whutch yins?” tha man axt. Jesus saed, “ ‘Dïnnae murdèr’. ‘Dïnnae commït adultèrie’. ‘Dïnnae tak whut's no yer ain’. ‘Dïnnae tell lees aboot ither fowk’. 19‘Gie respeck tae yer faither an yer mither’, an ‘Ye maun love yer nighber jist as much as yersel’.” 20“A hae kep aa these,” tha young man saed. “Whut else dae A hae tae dae?” 21Jesus saed bak tae hïm, “If ye hae a mine tae be perfait, awa an sell aa ye hae got, an gie ït awa tae tha puir, an ye'll hae walth ïn heiven. Then cum bak, an follae me.” 22Whaniver tha young man heerd thïs, he wus doon ïn tha mooth an went awa, fer he wus quare an weel-aff.
23Then Jesus saed tae hïs follaers, “A tell ye tha truith, ït ïs haird fer a bodie that's weel-aff tae git ïntae tha Kïngdom o Heiven. 24Ay, A'm tellin ye, ït wud be aisier fer a kemel tae gae throu tha ee o a needle ner fer a monied man tae git ïntae tha Kïngdom o God.” 25Whaniver tha follaers heerd thïs, the' wur stoondit an axt, “Wha ïn aa tha warl can be saved then?” 26Jesus lukt strecht at thaim an saed, “Wi man thïs ïs no poassible, but wi God aa thïngs ir poassible.” 27Wi that, Petèr saed bak tae hïm, “Luk, we hae gien up iveriethin tae follae ye! Whut then wull thair be ïn ït fer us?” 28Jesus saed tae thaim, “A tell ye tha truith, whaniver tha new warl cums aboot, an tha Sinn o Man sïts on hïs throne o glorie, yous that hae follaed me wull sït doon on twal thrones as weel, judgin tha twal clans o Israel. 29An iverie yin that haes gien up hooses, or brithers, or sïstèrs, or faither, or mither, or [wife, or] childèr, or fairm o lan on accoont o me wull git bak a hunnèr times as much; an he wull inherit iverlastin life. 30But monies a bodie that's foremaist noo wull be last then, an monie that's last noo wull be foremaist then.”
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Mattha 19: USNT

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