Jhone 12
Jesus anointit ïn Bethanie
1Sïx day afore tha Passower, Jesus cum tae Bethanie whar Lazarus leeved, hïm Jesus haed ris frae tha deid. 2The' wur houlin a dennèr thonner fer Jesus. Mairtha wus sarvin at ït, an Lazarus wus yin o thaim roon tha boord wi Jesus. 3Weel, Mary tuk aboot a pint o pure nard, a scentit oyle that coast bïg money, an she poored ït ower Jesus's feet an gien thaim a dicht wi hir hair. An tha hoose wus fu o tha sweet scent o tha oyle. 4But yin o hïs follaers, Judas Iscariot, hïm that wud bethray hïm latèr on, he wus agin ït. 5“Hoo cum thïs oyle wusnae soul an tha catter gien tae tha puir? It'd tak ye a year tae wark fer that!” 6He dïdnae say that oot o peetie fer tha puir, but becas he wus a thief. He kep tha siller-pooch an he jist dïppt ïntae ït fer hïs ain use whan he wantit. 7“Lea hir be,” Jesus reponed, “she wus supposed tae keep thïs scent bak fer ma layin oot tae be buriet. 8Fer tha puir ye'll aye hae wi yis, but ye'll no aye hae me.”
9Bi noo a bïg thrang o Jews haed gethert whaniver the' fun oot that Jesus wus thair. The' wurnae cum jist on accoont o Jesus, but wur lukkin a wee skellie o Lazarus forbye, hïm that Jesus haed ris frae tha deid. 10Sae tha heid preeshts collogued thegither tae kïll Lazarus as weel, 11Fer ït wus ower tha heid o hïm that monie o tha Jews wur noo pittin thair faith ïn Jesus.
Tha croods walcum Jesus tae Jerusalem
12Tha nixt day, a bïg thrang o fowk that haed cum fer tha Passower heerd wurd that Jesus wus makkin hïs róad fer Jerusalem. 13An the' tuk brenches o palm-trees an oot the' went tae meet hïm, cryin,
Blisst be tha Yin that cums ïn tha name o tha Loard!
Blisst be tha Kïng o Israel!”
14Jesus fun a young cuddie, an sut on ïts bak, jist laik ït's writ doon,
15“Dïnnae be feart, O Dochtèr o Zion,
Luk see, yer kïng ïs cumin,
Sut on a young cuddie.”
16At tha stairt, hïs follaers dïdnae unnèrstan aa thïs. It wusnae tae eftèr Jesus cum ïntae hïs glorie that the' twigged that thaim thïngs wus writ aboot hïm an haed happent tae hïm. 17Noo tha crood that wus wi hïm whaniver he caad Lazarus frae tha tomb an ris hïm frae tha deid wus taakin aboot ït aa ower tha kintrie; 18an that wus why sitch a crood o fowk went oot fer tae meet hïm, acause the'd heerd aboot tha mïraclis sign he'd daen. 19Sae tha Pharisees collogued amang thairsels, “Luk, we'r gettin naewhar wi thïs. Tha hale warl's rinnin eftèr hïm!”
Jesus tells thaim he's gaun tae dee
20Noo thair wus some Greeks amang tha fowk that haed cum up fer tha Passower. 21The' made an approach tae Phïlip, wha cum frae Bethsaida ïn Galilee. “Sïr,” the' saed, “we'r lukkin tae hae a wurd wi Jesus.” 22Aff Phïlip went an toul Andra; an then Andra an Phïlip thegither telt Jesus.
23Tha answer Jesus gien wus thïs: “Noo's tha time fer tha Sinn o Man tae cum ïntae hïs glorie. 24Here's tha truith o ït. Less an ear o seed-coarn draps doon ïntae tha grun an dees, ït jist stays on ïts lane. But ïf ït dees, ït maks a hale lock o seeds. 25Hïm that's ower fand o hïs ain life wull loass ït, but hïm at haes nae gra fer leevin ïn thïs warl, wull keep hïs life fer iver an aye. 26Oniebodie that wants me as thair maistèr maun follae me; an whar A'm at, ye'll fin ma sarvint thonner forbye. Ma Faither wull gie honour tae hïm that sarves me.
27An noo ma hairt ïs sair annoyt; whut am A tae say? ‘Faither, save me frae thïs oor’? Na, fer ït wus fer thïs verie raison that A'm cum tae thïs oor. 28Faither, glorie be tae yer name!” An wi that a voice cum frae heiven, an ït saed, “A hae gien ït tha glorie, an A'll gie ït tha glorie agane.” 29Whaniver tha crood thonner heerd ït, the' thocht ït wus a rummle o thunnèr; but ithers saed ït wus an angel taakin wi hïm. 30Jesus saed, “Thon voice wus fer your guid, no fer mine. 31Noo ïs tha time o judgemen fer thïs warl; noo tha prince o thïs warl wull be driv oot. 32But whaniver A'm lïftit up frae tha irth, A wull draa iveriebodie tae masel.” 33He saed thïs tae pit ït oot ïn tha apen whut wye he wus gaun tae dee. 34Tha crood saed, “Oor Laa tells iz that tha Christ wull bide fer iver, sae hoo cum ye can say, ‘Tha Sinn o Man maun be lïftit up?’ Thïs ‘Sinn o Man’, wha wud he be oniehoo?” 35Wi that, Jesus toul thaim, “Yis wull hae tha licht jist a wee while lang'r. Waak ïn tha licht whaniver ye hae ït, afore tha mirk cums doon on ye. Thaim that waak ïn tha mirk dïnnae ken whar the'r fer. 36Pit yer trust ïn tha licht as lang as ye hae ït, sae as ye can becum childèr o tha licht.”
Whan Jesus wus daen taakin, he went awa an hud hissel frae thaim.
Tha maist o tha Jews dïnnae believe ïn Jesus
37Tha mair Jesus wrocht aa thae mïraclis signs afore thaim, the' still wudnae believe ïn hïm. 38That wus tae brïng aboot whut Isaiah tha proaphit haed saed:
“Loard, whar ir tha yins that hae tuk oor wurd tae hairt,
An wha ir tha yins that hae wutnesst your pooer?”
39But the' wurnae able tae believe, fer laik Isaiah says ïn anither pairt:
40“He haes made thair een blin an turnt thair hairts tae stane,
Sae the' can see naethin wi thair een, ner unnèrstan ocht wi thair hairts,
Ner turn, fer me tae hail thaim.”
41Isaiah wus taakin aboot Jesus whaniver he saed thïs; he lukt aheid an foresaa hïs glorie. 42Wi aa that, thair wus monies a yin dïd believe ïn hïm, even amang tha heidyins. But the' wudnae own up tae thair faith afore tha Pharisees, fer fear o bein püt oot o tha Meetin Hoose. 43Fer the' wur mair keen on bein weel thocht o bi men ner bi God.
44Then Jesus caad oot, “Whan a bodie haes belief ïn me, he daesnae jist believe ïn me masel, but ïn tha Yin that sent me. 45Hïm that sees me, sees tha Yin that sent me. 46A'm cum ïntae tha warl as a licht, sae that naebodie that believes ïn me shud bide ïn tha dairk. 47Anent oniebodie that haes heerd ma wurds, but daesnae houl tae thaim, A'm no fer makkin judgemen on hïm. Fer A dïdnae cum ïntae tha warl tae judge ït, but tae save ït. 48Thair ïs a judge fer tha yin that turns hïs bak on me an daesnae tak ma wurds tae hairt; tha verie wurds A spauk wull judge hïm on tha day o Reckonin. 49Fer A wusnae taakin on ma ain accoont, but tha Faither that sent me toul me whut tae say, an hoo tae say ït. 50An A know richt weel that hïs commauns aye róads tae iverlastin life. Sae ocht A say ïs jist whut tha Faither haes bïd me say.”
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Jhone 12: USNT

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