Jhone 11
Lazarus o Bethanie
1Thair wus thïs man the' caad Lazarus an he wusnae verie weel. He wus frae Bethanie, a wee toon whar hïs sïstèrs Mary an Mairtha leeved. 2Noo thïs wus tha same Mary that poored scent on tha Loard an gien hïs feet a dicht wi hir hair. It wus hir brither that wus no weel. 3Sae tha twa sïstèrs sent wurd tae Jesus, sayin, “Loard, tha yin ye love ïs seeck.” 4Whaniver Jesus heerd tell o ït, he saed, “Thïs ailment wull no enn up wi hïm deein. Na, ït's fer tha glorie o God, an fer tha Sinn o God tae get tha glorie oot o ït.”
5Mairtha an hir sïstèr an Lazarus wus aa loved bi Jesus, 6sae tha mair he heerd Lazarus wusnae weel, he stapt fer twa mair days whar he wus at. 7Then eftèr thïs he toul hïs follaers, “Cum on an we'll gang bak tae Judea.” 8“But Rabbi,” the' saed, “a wee while bak thaim Jews wus gaun tae stane ye, an noo ye'r fer gaun bak thonner?” 9Jesus saed, “Is thair no twal oors o daylicht iverie day? If ye waak ïn tha braid daylicht ye'll no thrip an faa, fer ye can see bi tha licht o thïs warl. 10It's whan ye'r waakin bi nicht that ye thrip up, fer ye hinnae tha licht ïn ye.” 11Eftèr he saed thïs, he went on, “Oor freen Lazarus ïs jist sleepin; but A'm awa fer tae waaken hïm up.” 12Hïs follaers reponed, “Weel Loard, ïf he's jist haein a sleep, he'll shuin be on tha men.” 13Hïs follaers thocht he wus taakin aboot ordinarie sleep, but Jesus wus mainin Lazarus wus deid. 14Sae then he toul thaim strecht, “Lazarus ïs deid. 15An fer your sake, A'm gled A wusnae thair, sae that you micht believe; cum on noo, an we'll gang til hïm.” 16Then Tammas (caad Didymus#11.16 mainin “tha twun”) saed tae tha ither follaers, “Cum on an we'll gang tae, sae that we can dee alang wi hïm!”
Jesus gies comfort tae tha sïstèrs
17Whaniver Jesus got nixt Bethanie, he fun that Lazarus haed bin fower days deid an ïn tha tomb. 18Bethanie wus nearhan Jerusalem, aboot twa mile doon tha róad. 19An a hale lock o Jews haed cum tae Mairtha an Mary fer tae stan bye thaim ïn tha loass o thair brither. 20Whan Mairtha got wurd that Jesus wus cumin, oot she went tae meet hïm, but Mary sut ïn tha hoose. 21“Loard,” Mairtha saed tae Jesus, “If you haed hae bin here, ma brither wudnae be deid. 22But A ken that even noo God wull gie ye whutiver ye ax hïm.” 23Jesus saed til hir, “Yer brither wull rise agane.” 24Mairtha answert, “A ken he wull rise agane ïn tha resurrection, on tha hinmaist day.” 25Jesus telt hir, “A be tha resurrection an tha life. Hïm that believes ïn me, tha mair he dees, yit he'll leeve agane; 26an whaiver leeves an believes ïn me wull niver dee. Dae ye believe thïs?” 27“Ay, Loard, A dae!” qo she. “A believe that you ir tha Christ, tha Sinn o God, tha yin we wur toul wus cumin ïntae tha warl.”
28An eftèr she saed that, awa she went bak hame an tuk hir sïstèr Mary tae tha yin side. “Tha Maistèr ïs here,” qo she, “an he wants ye tae cum.” 29Whaniver Mary heerd that, up she got ïn a hurrie an gaed til hïm. 30Noo Jesus haednae yit got tha lenth o tha vïllage, but wus still bak at tha spot whar Mairtha haed met up wi hïm. 31Tha Jews that wus thair ïn tha hoose tae offer Mary sorra fer hir trouble, whaniver the' saa tha quïck she got up an went oot, up they got as weel an went oot eftèr hir, jalousin she wus awa tae tha tomb tae greet thonner. 32Sae Mary got tae whar Jesus wus at, an whaniver she saa hïm, she faad doon at hïs feet an she saed, “Loard, ïf you haed hae bin here, ma brither wudnae be deid!” 33Whan Jesus saa hir greetin, an aa tha Jews that wur cum alang wi hir greetin forbye, he wus vext ïn hïs spïrit, an he wus hairt sair. 34“Whar hae yis püt hïm?” saed he. “Cum an see, Loard,” the' toul hïm. 35Wi that, Jesus begun tae greet. 36Tha Jews saed, “See tha much he loved hïm!” 37But some o thaim saed, “If he cud apen tha een o thon blin man, cud he no hae kep thïs man frae deein?”
Jesus gars Lazarus rise frae tha deid
38Jesus cum tae tha tomb an hïs hairt wus troublet agane. It wus a cave wi a stane püt ower ïts mooth. 39“Tak tha stane awa,” qo he. “But Loard,” saed Mairtha, tha deid man's sïstèr, “bi noo ït wud stink ye oot, fer he's ïn thair thïs fower days.” 40Wi that Jesus saed, “Dïd A no tell ye that ïf ye believed, ye wud see tha glorie o God?” 41Sae the' shïftit tha stane, an Jesus lukt up tae heiven abain an he saed, “Faither, A gie ye thenks that ye hae heerd me. 42Ye hear me ayewyes, A know that; but A hae saed aa thïs fer tha guid o tha fowk stud here. Sae the' micht believe that you sent me.” 43Whaniver he saed that, Jesus caad oot at tha tap o hïs voice, “Lazarus, cum on oot!” 44An lo an behoul, tha deid man dïd cum oot, hïs hans an feet lapt wi strïps o linen, an a cloot roon hïs face. Jesus toul thaim, “Tak tha grave claes aff hïm, an let hïm gang.”
Tha ploat tae get rïd o Jesus
45Wi that, monie o tha Jews that wur cum tae be at tha wake wi Mary, whaniver the' saa whut Jesus dïd, the' püt thair faith ïn hïm. 46But ithers amang thaim went an toul tha Pharisees whut Jesus haed daen. 47An sae tha heid preeshts an tha Pharisees caad tha Cooncil thegither. “Is thïs no a hanlin? Whut'll we dae?” the' axt. “Fer thon man's daein a hale wheen o mïraclis signs. 48If we let hïm aff wi ït, tha nixt thïng the'll aa believe on hïm, an then tha Romans'll cum an dae awa wi baith oor halie place an oor kintrie on iz.” 49An then yin o thaim bi tha name o Caiaphas, that wus Heich Preesht thon yeir, spauk oot, “Yis ken naethin ava! 50Ye dïnnae unnèrstan that ït wud be fer tha best ïf yin man deed fer aa tha fowk, ay, faur bettèr ner fer tha hale kintrie tae be wiped oot!” 51He dïdnae say thïs o hïs ain accoard, but as Heich Preesht thon yeir he foretelt that Jesus wud dee fer tha hale nation. 52An no jist fer thon nation, but fer aa tha skailt childèr o God, tae brïng thaim thegither an mak thaim yin. 53Sae frae that day an oor the' collogued thegither tae dae hïm ïn.
54An eftèr that Jesus wudnae cum oot ïn tha apen onie mair amang tha Jews. Rether he tuk hissel aff tae a pairt o tha kintrie nearhan tha wuldèrness, tae a toon bi tha name o Ephraim; an he stapt ower thair wi hïs follaers.
55Whaniver ït wus near time fer tha Passower Faist, monie fowk frae tha kintrie went up tae Jerusalem fer tae get thair rïtual waash afore tha Passower. 56The' kep lukkin fer Jesus, an as the' stud roon ïn tha Temple gruns, the' axt yin anither, “Dae ye thïnk, ïs he fer cumin tae tha Faist ava?” 57But tha heid preeshts an Pharisees haed gien oardèrs that ïf oniebodie fun oot tha wharaboots o Jesus, the' maun let thaim know, sae as the' cud hae hïm lïftit.
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Jhone 11: USNT

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