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In the beginning מז

1and Yosef is having gone and has told Pharaoh, and has said: my father and my brothers, with their sheep and their head of cattle and all that which they have, are having come from land Canaan, and they are in land Goshen. 2and of among his brothers has he taken five men, and has them stood before Pharaoh. 3has Pharaoh said to his brothers: what is your doing/occupation? have they said to Pharaoh: shepherds of sheep are your servants, so we, so our fathers. 4and they have said to Pharaoh: to sojourning in land are we having come, for it is not any pasture/grazing for the sheep of your servants, for the famine is severe in land Canaan. and now, I entreat you, shall your servants sit/dwell in land Goshen.
5has Pharaoh said to Yosef, so to say: your father and your brothers are having come to you(SG); 6this land Egypt lies before you(SG), in best part of land settle your father and your brothers. shall they sit/dwell in land Goshen. and if you (sg) know that among them are here competent men, shall you (sg) them make for overseers over the livestock which I have.
7and Yosef has brought his father Yaakov, and he has him stood before Pharaoh; and Yaakov has blessed Pharaoh. 8and Pharaoh has said to Yaakov: how many are the days of the years of your life? 9has Yaakov said to Pharaoh: the days of the years of my sojourns are hundred and thirty years. few and bad are the days of the years of my life, and they come not to the days of the years of my my ancestors life (spans) in the days of their sojourns. 10and Yaakov has blessed Pharaoh, and is having come out of before Pharaoh.
11and Yosef has settled his father and his brothers, and he has them given possession in land Egypt, in best part of land, in land Rameses, so as Pharaoh has commanded. 12and Yosef has supported his father and his brothers, and this whole household of his father, with bread, as after/according to household.
13and not any bread is not having been in all land, for the famine is having been very severe, and this land Egypt and this land Canaan are exhausted having become from the famine. 14and Yosef has gathered this all the money which has self found in land Egypt and in land Canaan, for the grain which they have bought. and Yosef has brought this money in Pharaoh's house. 15and as this money is used up from land Egypt and from land Canaan, are all Egyptians having come to Yosef, so to say: give us bread; for yet which shall we die before you(SG)? that this money has self money. 16has Yosef said: give your (PL) livestock, and I will you (PL) give for your (PL) livestock, if this money has self run out. 17have they brought their livestock to Yosef, and Yosef has them given bread for horses, and for flocks of sheep, and for herds of cattle, and for donkeys; and he has them provided for with bread in that year, for all their livestock.
18has self this year finished; and on second year are they having come to him, and have to him said: we will not hide/withhold from my lord, that thus as this money is used up, and the flocks of livestock are by my lord, is not remain before my lord except only our body and our land. 19why shall we perish before your eyes, both we and our land? buy back us and our land for bread, and we with our land will be servants to Pharaoh; and give us seed, so that we shall live and not die, and the land shall not laid waste become.
20has Yosef purchased the whole land of Egypt for Pharaoh, for the Egyptians have sold each his field, for the famine has self strengthened over them; and this land is having become Pharaoh's. 21and this people, them has he city site transfer/resettle from one end border of Egypt to other end. 22only the land of the priests has he not purchased, because the priests have received a of Pharaoh, and they have eaten their financial assistance which Pharaoh has them given; therefore have they not sold their land.
23and Yosef has said to people: look have I today purchased you (PL) and your land for Pharaoh; take you (PL) seed, and plant/sow the land. 24and it will be by the grain (harvests), will you (PL) give a fifth to Pharaoh, and four portions will you (PL) be for seed of field, and for your eating, and for the what in your (PL) households, and to the eating for your (PL) small children.
25have they said: have us this life preserve/save; let us find favor in the eyes of my lord, and we will be servants to Pharaoh. 26and Yosef has it made for a law until on this very day on the land of Egypt, that to Pharaoh shall has belonged a fifth. only the land of the priests alone is not having become Pharaoh's.
27and Yisroel is settled in land Egypt, in land Goshen; and they have self there strengthened, and have self been fruitful and multiplied very much.
And he lived
28and Yaakov has lived in land Egypt seventeen years; and the days of Yaakov, the years of his life, are having been hundred years and seven and forty years. 29and the days of Yisroel have come near to die, and he has called his son Yosef, and has to him said: if, I entreat you, I have found favor in your eyes, do, I entreat you, your hand under my thigh/hip, and you(SG) must do with me a kindness and a faithfulness/emes: you(SG) must me not bury, I entreat you, in Egypt. 30and that I will self lying to my fathers, shall you (sg) me carry from Egypt, and me bury in their tomb. has he said: I will do so as your word. 31has he said: swear me. and he has him sworn an oath; and Yisroel has self bowed heads (of the bed) of bed.





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