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In the beginning מב

1and Yaakov has seen that it is there grain in Egypt, and Yaakov has said to his sons: why look you (PL) you (PL) on? 2and he has said: behold have I heard, that it is there grain in Egypt. go down down there, and buy us in from there, so that me shall live and not die.
3have Yosef's ten brothers went down to buy grain from Egypt. 4but Binyamin, Yosef's brother, has Yaakov not sent with with his brothers, for he has said: lest will him befall a calamity.
5are having come the sons of Yisroel buying in, among the ones that which are coming, for the famine is having been in land Canaan. 6and Yosef is having been the ruler over land; he is having been the which has sold to all people of land. are having come Yosef's brothers, and have self to him bowed with face to the earth. 7and Yosef has seen his brothers, and has them recognized, but he has self made strange toward them, and has spoken with them harshly, and has to them said: from whence come you (PL)? have they said: from land Canaan, in to buy food.
8and Yosef has recognized his brothers, but they have him not recognized. 9and Yosef has self remembered/recalled on the dream, which have self him dreamt concerning them, and he has to them said: spies are you (PL); to see the nakedness of land are you (PL) having come.
10have they to him said: no, my lord, instead to buy food are having come your servants. 11we all are sons of one man; honest men are we; your servants are no time not having been any spies.
12has he to them said: no, instead the nakedness of land are you (PL) having come to see.
13have they said: twelve brothers are we, your servants, sons of one man in land Canaan, and behold is the youngest today with our father, and one is not having become.
14has Yosef to them said: this is still what I have to you (PL) spoken, thus to say: spies are you (PL). 15in this way will you (PL) tested become: so as Pharaoh lives, if you (PL) will from here go out, except your youngest brother will come here! 16send from you (PL) one, he shall bring your brother, and you (PL) remain confined/shut in, so that your (PL) words shall put to the test become, if the true is with you (PL); and if not, so as Pharaoh lives, that you (PL) are spies!
17and he has them took in in guard (house) on three days.
18and Yosef has to them said on third day: this do, and you (PL) will remain alive – I have fear before G-d: 19if you (PL) are honest men, shall one brother your (PL) remain confined/shut in in your guard house, and , and bring grain for the famine of your (PL) household. 20and your youngest brother shall you (PL) bring to me; and your (PL) words will come true/be verified become, and you (PL) will not die. have they so did.
21and they have said one to another: for indeed, we are guilty concerning our brother which we have witnessed the anguish of his soul, when he has self pleaded with us, and we have not paid heed. therefore is on us having come the this trouble. 22and Reuven has self spoke up to them, so to say: have I you (PL) not said, so to say: transgress/sin you (PL) not on the boy? but you (PL) has not paid heed; and behold also shall be his blood being demanded payment.
23and they have not known that Yosef understand because a translator/interpreter is having been between them. 24has he self turned away from them, and has wept. and he has self returned to them, and has to them spoken; and he has taken from them Shim'on, and has him confined/shut in before their eyes.
25and Yosef has commanded, one shall fill their vessels with grain, and to return their money each in his sack, and them to give food for road. and one has to them thus done. 26and they have loaded their grain on their donkeys, and are went (their) way from there.
27has one opened his sack to give his donkey (animal) feed in inn/shelter, and has seen his money, see it is in mouth of his sack. 28has he said to his brothers: my money is returned having become, and see is it also in my sack. is they fall out this heart, and they have trembled said one to another: what has to us here G-d done?
29and they are having come to their father Yaakov to land Canaan, and have him told all that which them has happened upon/encountered, so to say: 30the man, the lord of land, has with us spoken harshly, and he has us made for spies of the land. 31have we to him said: honest men are we, we are any time not having been any spies. 32twelve brothers are we, sons of our father; one is not having become, and the youngest is today with our father in land Canaan. 33has the man, the lord of land, to us said: in this way will I know that you (PL) are honest men: one of your brothers leave over by me, and take enough for the famine of your (PL) household, and go. 34and bring your youngest brother to me, and I will know that you (PL) are not any spies, but you (PL) are honest men; will I you (PL) give up your brother, and you (PL) will may turn over/trade in land.
35and it is having been, as they emptying out their sacks, look each bundle money is in his sack; and as they and their father have seen their bundles money, so have they fear caught/seized. 36and their father Yaakov has to them said: you (PL) have me robbed of my children; Yosef is more not, and Shim'on is not, and Binyamin will you (PL) take away; this all that is on me come over/fallen.
37has Reuven said to his father, so to say: my two sons shall you (sg) to kill, if I will you(SG) him not bring again. give him to my hand, and I will him to return to you(SG).
38has he said: my son will not go down with you (PL), because his brother is death, and he alone is left, and that him will befall a calamity on the way which you (PL) will go on it, will you (PL) make go down my gray hair with mourning in Sheol.





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