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In the beginning ל

1and as Rachel has seen that she conceived not of Yaakov, has Rachel envy having been her sister, and she has said to Yaakov: give me children, otherwise die I. 2has the anger of Yaakov be kindled on Rachel, and he has said: am I then on the place of G-d, which has withheld from you(SG) fruit of body? 3has she said: behold is my female servant Bilhah, come to her, and she will to give birth on my knees, and also I will restored become from her.
4and she has him given her female servant Bilhah for a wife, and Yaakov is to her having come. 5and Bilhah is pregnant having become, and has Yaakov given birth to a son. 6and Rachel has said: G-d has self for me defended/judged, and has also my voice paid heed, and me given a son; therefore has she called his name Dan. 7and Bilhah, rachel's female servant, is again pregnant having become, and has Yaakov given birth to a second son. 8and Rachel has said: strong wrestling have I self wrestled with my sister, and I have prevailed; therefore has she called his name Naphtali.
9and Leah has seen that she has ceased to give birth, has she taken her female servant Zilpah, and her given Yaakov for a wife. 10and Zilpah, Leah's female servant, has Yaakov given birth to a son. 11has Leah said: good fortune is having come; and she has called his name Gad. 12and Zilpah, Leah's servant, has to Yaakov given birth a second son. 13has Leah said: on my good fortune! because the daughters will me deem happy; and she has called his name Asher.
14and Reuben is having gone in the days of wheat harvest, and has found mandrakes in field, and has them brought to his mother Leah. has Rachel said to Leah: give me, I entreat you, of your son's mandrakes. 15has she said to her: a little thing which you (sg) have taken my husband, will yet you take my son's mandrakes? has Rachel said: for the reason shall he lie with you(SG) present-day night, for the mandrakes of your son.
16and as Yaakov is having come from field in evening, thus is Leah him having come out to meet, and has said: to me you must come, because hired have I you hired for the mandrakes of my son. and he is with her lay in that night. 17and G-d has paid heed to Leah, and she is pregnant having become, and has Yaakov given birth to a fifth son. 18and Leah has said: G-d has given my reward for which I have given my female servant to my husband; and she has called his name Yissakhar. 19and Leah is again pregnant having become, and has Yaakov given birth to a sixth son. 20and Leah has said: G-d has me gifted (with) with a good gift; this time will my husband dwell with me, because I have him given birth to six sons; and she has called his name Zevulun. 21and after that has she given birth to a daughter, and she has called her name Dinah.
22and G-d has remembered on Rachel, and Hashem has paid heed to her, and has opened her womb. 23and she is pregnant having become, and has given birth to a son; and she has said: G-d has finished my disgrace. 24and she has called his name Yosef, thus to say: Hashem shall me add on yet an other son.
25and it is having been, that Rachel has given birth to Yosef, has Yaakov said to Lavan: let me away, and I will go to my place and to my land. 26give me my wives and my children, which I have you(SG) for them served, and I will go; because you (sg) know my service which I have you(SG) served.
27has Lavan to him said: if, I entreat you, I have found favor in your eyes – I have perceived that Hashem has me blessed of your sake. 28and he has said: tell me your wage, and I will give.
29has he to him said: you (sg) know how I have you(SG) served, and what your livestock is having become under me; 30because few which have you (sg) have had before me, and it has self increased in abundance, and Hashem has you blessed in my every step. and now, when will I also do for my household?
31has he said: what shall I you(SG) give? has Yaakov said: you(SG) shall me nothing give; if you (sg) will me do the this thing, will I again pasture your sheep, and to keep a watch over: 32I will pass through today by all your sheep, remove from there every speckled and spotted lamb, and every dark (color) lamb among the sheep, and spotted and speckled among the goats; and such things shall be my wage. 33and testimony say will on me my integrity before you(SG), in a later day, that you (sg) will come look over my wage: each which is not speckled and spotted among the goats and dark (color) among the sheep, is this a stolen by me.
34has Lavan said: yes, shall be thus as your word. 35and he has played a trick in that day the striped and spotted billy goats, and all speckled and spotted goats, each which has on self white, and every dark (color) among the sheep, and he has them delivered in the hand of his sons. 36and he has made three days journey between self and between Yaakov. and Yaakov has shepherded Lavan's remaining sheep.
37has Yaakov self taken moist/fresh rods of poplar, and almond, and plane, and he has peeled on them white streaks, laying bare this white which on the rods. 38and he has positioned the rods which he has peeled, in the (feeding) troughs, in the water where the sheep come to drink, opposite the sheep; and they have self mate when they are having come to drink. 39and the sheep have self mate before the rods, and the sheep have given birth to striped, speckled, and spotted. 40and the lambs has Yaakov separated – and he has turned to the faces of the sheep in Lavan's flock to the streaked and all dark (color) – and has self made flocks of by themselves, and has them not stood with Lavan's sheep. 41and it is having been, when only the strong sheep have self mate, thus used to Yaakov put the rods before the eyes of the sheep in the (feeding) troughs, so that they shall self mate by the rods; 42but that the sheep are having been feeble, used to he not put in; thus would the feeble be admitted to Lavan, and the strong Yaakov. 43and the man is having become very very prosperous, and he has have had many sheep, and maid servants and servants, and camels and donkeys.





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