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Mark 6

chapter six
1and he is of there go away, and is come in his hometown into; and his disciples have him follow. 2and when it is come Sabbath, has he begin to teach in the synagogue; and a many, when they have him heard, have astounded, and said: from where comes to him such (things)? and what is this kind of a wisdom, which is him given been? and such wonders happened by his hands! 3(question) is he then not the carpenter, Miryams son, the brother of James and Yosi and Yehudah and Simon? and (question) are then not his sisters here with us? and they have stumbled in him. 4and Yehoshua has to them said: any prophet is not without honor except in his fatherland and among his relatives and in his own house. 5and he has there not be able do any wonders, except that he has lay the hands on a few sick ones, and them healed. 6and he has self amazed over their unbelief.
and he is walking about in the neighboring towns and did teach.
7and he did call to self the twelve, and did begin them send out two by (two), and them gave power over the unclean spirits; 8and he did them order, that they should not to take along any thing on the way, but only a staff—not any bread, not any purse, not any money in belt; 9but sandals should they (on) themselves tie, and not put on any two shirts. 10and did to them say: wherever you (PL) will go in in a house, shall you (PL) there remain until you (PL) will depart from that place of. 11and whatever place of it will you (PL) not receive, and they will you (PL) not want hear, shall you (PL) at the going away from there shake off the dust from under your (PL) feet, as an witness to them. 12and they are gone out, and did proclaim, that one should repentance do, 13and did cast out a many evil spirits, and anointed a many sick with oil, and them healed. 14and the king Herod did hear about that, (because his name became known) and did say: John of the (Yarden) mikveh is stand up again from the dead, and therefore work the powers in him! 15others however have said, that he is Eliyahu. and others have said, that he is a prophet like one of the prophets. 16and when Herod has this heard, has he said: John, whom I have chopped off the head, he is again stood up. 17because Herod himself had sent and permitted capture John, and did him bind in prison on account of Herodias, the wife of Philip his brother, because he did with her marriage had. 18because John has said to Herod: you (SG) allowed not have your brother's wife! 19and Herodias did him hate got, and him wanted kill, and has not be able; 20because Herod has self afraid before John, knowing that he is an man righteous and holy; and did him defend. and when he did him hear, is he was in great dilemma, and yet has he him gladly heard. 21and when it is come a convenient day, while Herod had on his birthday made a feast for his important people, and the high officers, and the most prominent people of Galilee, 22is the daughter of Herodias herself come in and did dance, and she is well pleased Herod and his guests. and the king did say to the girl: ask of me what you (SG) want only, and I will it you (SG) give! 23and he did her swear: what you (SG) you will ask, will I you (SG) give, up to a half of my kingdom. 24and she has gone out, and did say to her mother: what shall I ask? and she did say: John of the (Yarden) mikveh's head! 25and she did immediately go in quickly to the king, and did him ask, so to say: I demand, that you (SG) you shall me now give head of John of the (Yarden) mikveh on a plate! 26and the king is grieved become, only on account of the oaths and the guests did he her not want reject. 27and the king did immediately send a bodyguard, and did him order to bring his head; and he did go away and did him chop off the head in prison, 28and brought his head on a plate, and has him given the girl; and the girl has him given to her mother. 29and when his disciples did it hear, did they come and did take his body, and him put in a tomb into.
30and the Shlichim have self gathered with Yehoshua; and him reported all, which they have done, and what they had taught. 31and he did to them said: come you (PL) alone on an solitary place of, and rests self a little up! because a many were come and go, so that they did even not have any time to eat. 32and they did depart in the boat to an solitary place of alone. 33and one has them seen departing, and a many did they recognize, and are come there running on foot from all cities of ahead of before them. 34and when Yehoshua did step down, has he seen a great crowd (of) people, and has had on them great compassion, because they are was as sheep, who have not any shepherd; and he did begin them a many to teach. 35and when it is already become a late hour, did his disciples come over to him, and did say: this is a desert-like place of, and the hour is already late; 36let them up (go), so that they shall go in the surrounding region and villages, and themselves buy something to eat. 37he however has answering to them said: give you (PL) them to eat! and they did to him say: should we go and buy bread for two hundred denarii, and them give to eat? 38he however has to them said: how much bread have you (PL)? go and see. and finding out self, did they say: five, and two fish. 39and he did them order, that all should self sit down in a chavrusa group on the green grass. 40and they did themselves sat down in lines, by hundreds, and by fifties. 41and he did take the five bread and the two fish, did look up to the heaven, and made a blessing, and broke the breads; and did them give to the disciples, so that they should it put out before them; also the two fish did he divide among all. 42and all have eaten and are filled become. 43and they have picked up from the broken pieces twelve baskets full, and from the fish. 44and those, who have eaten the breads, are was five thousand men.
45and immediately has he compel his disciples step in in the boat, and to go across ahead on the another side to Beit-Tzaidah, until he will dismiss the crowd people. 46and after that when he has self bid farewell with them, is he went away to the mountain prayer to do. 47and when it is become evening, is the boat was in the midst sea, and he alone on the land. 48and seeing how they struggled self with the oars, because the wind was against them, is he come to them, around the fourth watch of the night, walking on the sea, and has them wanted pass by; 49but when they have him seen walking on the sea, have they thought, that it is a ghost, and have a scream did; 50because all did him see, and have self terrified. he however did immediately speak with them, and to them said: be comforted; I am he; 51fear self not! and he is step in by them in the boat, and the wind has self calm down. and they are in themselves very astounded become, over every thing; 52because they have not understood about the breads, because their heart was hard (like stone).
53and sailing over self to the land, are they come to Gennesaret, and did anchor. 54and when they did step out of boat, has they him immediately recognized, 55and they did rush about in that whole region, and they did begin carry the sick on the beds, where they did hear, that he is found. 56and wherever he is gone in, in villages, or in towns, or on the land, has they put the sick on the marketplaces, and they did him beg, that they could but touch the hem/tzitzit of his garment; and all, who did him touch, were helped become.

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