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Mark 14

chapter fourteen
1and in two days around was Pesach and Feast of unleavened bread; and the chief kohenim and scribes were seeking how him to arrest with craftiness, 2and him to kill. for they have said: not day good, lest will become a riot among people!
3and while he was in Beit-Anyah in the house of Simon the leper, sitting at the table, is come a woman with an alabaster bottle full with real costly spike-nard; and she did break the alabaster bottle, and pour out on his head. 4are however were some, who became furious among themselves, (so to say:) why is the these waste of the ointment made become? 5because one could sell the this ointment for more than three hundred denarii, and it give to the poor people. and they have self scolded on her. 6Yehoshua however has said: leave her alone! why cause you (PL) her grief of soul? she has Me done a good thing. 7because the poor people have you (PL) always with yourselves, and when you (PL) want, can you (PL) they do good; Me however have you (PL) not always. 8what she has be able, that did she do; she has beforehand anointed my body to the burial. 9and in truth tell I you (PL): wherever the Good News will announced to be in the whole world, will also reported to be, who she has done, in memory of her.
10and Yehudah man from Kriot, one of the twelve, is went away to the chief kohenim, so that him to give over to them. 11and when they did it hear, did they rejoice, and him promised to give money. and he did seek a convenient opportunity, him to betray.
12and the first day of Feast of unleavened bread, when they has ritually slaughtered the sacrifice Pesach, say to him his disciples: where you want, should we go and prepare, so that you (SG) you shall to eat the sacrifice Pesach? 13and he sends two of his disciples, and says to them: go in the city into, and it will you (PL) meet a man, carrying a jar with water; him shall you (PL) follow; 14and where ever he will go in, shall you (PL) say to the owner of the house: the Rebbe says: where is my guest room, in which I shall to eat this sacrifice Pesach with my disciples? 15and he will you (PL) to show a large upper room, furnished with pillows for head of seder table, prepared; and there shall you (PL) prepare for us. 16and the disciples are went out, and are come in the city into, and have found so as he has them told; and they did prepare the sacrifice Pesach.
17and when it is become evening, comes he with the twelve. 18and while they have self recline and eat, did Yehoshua say: in truth say I you (PL): one of you (PL) will Me betray, the one, who eats with Me! (Psalms 41, 9.) 19did they begin grieved to become, and to say to him one after other: surely not I? 20he however did to them say: one of the twelve, the (one), who dips together with Me in the bowl. 21the Son of Man goes actually according to as it stands written about him; woe is however to that one man, through whom the Son of Man becomes betray! it would be good for that man, if he would not born become!
22and while they have eaten, did he take bread, made a blessing, did it break, and gave to them, and said: takes; this these is my body. 23and he has taken a goblet, did make a blessing, and gave to them; and they did all drink thereof. 24and he did to them say: this these is my blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many. 25in truth tell I you (PL): I will not more drink of the fruit from the vine, until to that day, when I will it drink new in the kingdom of Hashem.
26and when they did finish singing Hallel, are they went out to the Mount of Olives.
27and Yehoshua said to them: all will you (PL) stumbled to be; because it stands written: I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will scattered to be. (Zechariah 13, 7.) 28but after my standing up again, will I you (PL) go ahead to Galilee. 29Peter however has to him said: even if all will stumbled to be, will I yet not. 30and Yehoshua says to him: in truth tell I you (SG): today, in the this very night, before the cock will twice crow, will you Me three times deny! 31he however did yet zealously speak: if I shall must die together with you (SG), will I you never way not deny. and likewise have also all said.
32and they come to a yard, which has called Gat-Shmanim; and he says to his disciples: sit self here down, until I will have prayer done. 33and he takes Peter with self and James and John, and has begun to shake and tremble. 34and he says to them: my soul is very grieved, unto to the death; remain here, and watch! 35and he went a little farther, and is fell down on the earth, and was davening, that, if possible, the hour shall him pass (from). 36and has said: Abba, Father, all is possible for you (SG); take from Me away the this goblet! yet not what I want, but what you (SG) want. 37and he comes, and finds them asleep, and says to Peter: Simon, you (SG) sleep? are not able be one hour (at) watch to remain? 38watch and do prayer, so that you (PL) shall not come to any temptation; the spirit is actually willing, this flesh is however weak! 39and he is again went away, and prayer done, saying the same words. 40and when he is return, has he them (once) again found asleep, because their eyes are was heavy; and they have not known what him to answer. 41and he comes to the third times, and says to them: sleep further, and rest self up! it is enough; it is come the hour; look, the Son of Man is being handed over to sinners in the hands into. 42stand up, let us go; look, My betrayer is already near!
43and immediately, while he has still speaking, comes Yehudah, one of the twelve, and with him a crowd with swords and clubs, from the chief kohenim and scribes and elders. 44and his betrayer did them give a sign, so to say: whom I will a kiss do, that (one) is it; take him, and lead him up secure. 45and when he did come, did he immediately went (come) over to him, and says: Rebbe! and did him kiss. 46and they did place the hands on him, and did him captive take. 47one however of the, who were standing nearby did drew out the sword, and struck the kohen gadol's servant, and him chopped off an ear. 48and Yehoshua has answering to them said: as against a robber are you (PL) come out with swords and clubs Me to arrest. 49day out day in am I was with you (PL) in the House the Holy and taught, and you (PL) has Me not captive taken; but (it is) so that the scriptures (the Holy) should fulfilled to be. 50and all have him forsaken, and are run away.
51and a boy did him follow, wrapped in a sheet on the bare body, and they caught him; 52he however has left behind the sheet, and is run away a naked.
53and they have led away Yehoshua to the kohen gadol; and it have self there gathered all chief kohenim and the elders and the scribes. 54and Peter has him followed from a distance, until inside into in the courtyard of the kohen gadol; and has sat with the servants and has self warm by the fire. 55and the chief kohenim and the whole Sanhedrin have sought an witness say against Yehoshua, so that him to kill; and have not found. 56because a many have false witness said against him, and their witness have not agree. 57and some are stand up, and have false witness said against him, so to say: 58we have him heard say: I will destroy the this Heikhal, which is with hands made become. and in three days will I build up an other, which is not made with hands. 59and even so has their witness say not agree. 60and the kohen gadol has self stood up in the midst, and asked Yehoshua, so to say: you (SG) answer nothing on the, which the these say witness against you (SG)? 61and he was silent, and nothing answered. the kohen gadol has him again asked, and says to him; you are the Moshiach, the son of the Holy One blessed (be) He? 62and Yehoshua has said: I am; and you (PL) will see the Son of Man sit on the right side of the power, and coming with the clouds of heaven. (Psalms 110, 1; Daniel 7, 13.) 63and the kohen gadol has torn his clothing, and says: what need we more have witness? 64you (PL) have after all heard the blasphemy. what is your mind (decision)? and all did him condemn, that he is deserving death. 65and some did begin to spit on him, and to cover him the face, and to strike him with the fists, and to say to him: say prophecy! also the servants did him catch with slaps. (Yeshayah 50, 6)
66and while Peter was below in courtyard, comes one of the kohen gadol's servant-girls; 67and as she has caught sight of Peter self warming, did she on him a look do, and says: also you (SG) have been with the of Natseret, the Yehoshua! 68he however has deny, so to say: not I know, not I understand what you (SG) say. and he is went out outside to the forecourt; and a cock has crowed. 69and the servant-girl has him seen, and has again begun to say to the (ones), who are there standing: the this one is one of them! 70he however has again denied. and a little later have the (ones), which are there standing, again said to Peter: you (SG) are surely one of them; because you (SG) are also a Galilean. 71and he did begin to curse, and to swear: I know not the this man, of whom you (PL) speak! 72and immediately did a cock to the second (one) time crow. and Peter has self remember the word, as Yehoshua has to him said: before a cock will twice crow, will you Me three times deny. and he has this taken to the heart, and self wept.

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