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Mark 12

chapter twelve
1and he has begun to speak to them in parables. a man has planted a vineyard, and it encircled with a fence, and has dug a winepress, and built a tower, and has it leased to wine gardeners, and is went away. 2and to the right time has he sent a servant to the wine gardeners, that he shall received of the wine gardeners of the fruit from the vineyard. 3and they have him taken, and have him beat up, and sent away with nothing. 4and he has again to them sent an other servant; and that one have they beat up the head, and disgraced. 5after an other has he sent; and that one have they killed; and a many others; a part of them have they beat up, and a part—killed. 6still one did he have, a beloved son; him has he sent last to them, so to say: they will self to be ashamed before my son! 7those wine gardeners however have among themselves said: this is the heir; comes, let us him kill, and the inheritance will be ours! 8and they have taken, and him killed, and have him thrown out of vineyard. 9well, what will the L-rd of the vineyard do? he will come and kill the wine gardeners, and the vineyard will he give to others. 10(question) have you (PL) then not read the this verse:
the stone, which the builders have rejected,
this one is become to the chief from the corner (stone);
11from the L-rd (Hashem) is this happened,
and it is a wonder in our eyes?
(Psalms 118, 22, 23)
12and they have sought him to arrest; and have fear had before the crowd people; because it was known, that he has said the parable on them; and they have him left, and are went away.
13and they send to him some of the Pharisees and of Herod's people, so that they should him trap with a word. 14and when they are come, say they to him: Rebbe, we know, that you (SG) are truthful, and show deference not on anyone; because you (SG) look not on the face of people, but in truth teach the derech of Hashem. (question) (is it) permitted one give tax to the emperor, or not? should we give or not give? 15he has however known of their hypocrisy, and has to them said: why putting to test you (PL) Me out? bring Me a denarius, so that I shall it see. 16and they have brought. and he says to them: whose is this very image and the title? and they have to him said: the Caesar's! 17and Yehoshua has to them said: give then up the Caesar the, which is the Caesar's, and to Hashem the, what is Hashem's! and they have self astonished on him.
18and there come to him Sadducees, which say, that it is there is not any resurrection of the dead ones; and have him asked, so to say: 19Rebbe, Moses has us written, that if anyone's brother will die, and leave a wife, and not leave any child, so shall his brother take the woman, and raise up seeds to his brother. (Deuteronomy 25, 5.) 20there are were seven brothers. and the first has taken a wife, and is died and has not left any seeds; 21and the second has her taken, and is died, not leaving any seeds; and the third also thus; 22and the seven have not left any seeds. last after all is also the woman died. 23in the resurrection of the dead ones, when they will standing up again, whose wife of them will she be? because all seven have her after all had for a wife. 24did Yehoshua to them say: (question) wandering around (lost) you (PL) then not therefore, because you (PL) know not the scriptures (the Holy), and also not the power of Hashem? 25because when they will rise of the dead, will they not wedding have, not they will them wedding make; but they are as the angels in heaven. 26and concerning the dead, that they will standing up again, (question) have you (PL) then not read in the book of (law of) Moses, by the bush, as Hashem has to him spoken, so to say: I am the G-d of Abraham, and the G-d of Isaac, and the G-d of Jacob? (Exodus 3, 7.) 27he is not the G-d of the dead, but of the living ones: you (PL) wandering around (lost) very much. 28and it is come over one of the scribes, having self listened to their debate, because he has known, that he has them well answered, has he him asked! what is the first commandment of all? 29Yehoshua has answered: the first is: Hear Israel Hashem our G-d Hashem echad; 30and you (SG) you shall love have the L-rd your G-d with your whole heart, and with your whole soul, and with your whole understanding, and with your whole power. (Deuteronomy 6, 4-5.) 31the second (command) is: you (SG) you shall love have your neighbor as you yourself. (Leviticus 19, 18) not other command greater than the these is not there. 32and the scribe has to him said: good, Rebbe! you (SG) you have truthfully spoken, that Hashem is one; and it is not there any another except him; 33and him love to have with the whole heart, and with the whole understanding, and with the whole power, and love to have the neighbor as self alone, is a many more as all burnt offerings and sacrifices. 34and Yehoshua did see, that he has sensible answered, did he to him say: you (SG) are not distant from the kingdom of Hashem! and no one has more not self dare to him to pose questions.
35and Yehoshua has answering said, while he has taught in the House the Holy: how say the scribes, that the Moshiach is David's son? 36David (the king) himself has after all said through the Spirit the Holy:
the L-rd has said to my L-rd:
sit at my right side,
until I will lay down your enemies
for a footstool for your feet!
(Psalms 110, 1)
37David himself calls him L-rd, and from where is he his son? and the great crowd (of) people did self eagerly to listen to him.
38and in his teaching has he said: beware before the scribes, who have love to go aroune in prayer shawls, and that should they greet on the marketplaces, 39and the prominent first seats in the synagogues, and places at the head (of honor) on the feasts; 40they who swallow the houses of widows, and pray pretentiously long: they will received a greater judgment.
41and he did self sat down opposite the treasure box, and self observed as the crowd people throw into money in the treasure boxes into; and a many rich people have thrown much. 42and it is come a poor widow, and did put in two small coins, this is one quadrans, (the smallest roman coin.) 43and he did call over his disciples, and to them said: in truth say I you (PL): the this poor widow did more thrown in than all, who did throw in in the treasure box into; 44because all had throw in from their abundance; she however did from her need throw in all, which she has had—her whole livelihood.

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