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Mattityahu 27

chapter seven and twenty
1and tomorrow early have all chief kohenim and elders of people accept a decision against Yehoshua, so that him to kill; 2and have him bound, and led away, and handed over to Pilate, the governor.
3then as Yehudah, who has him betray, has seen, that he is have condemned become, did he regret have, and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief kohenim and elders, 4so to say: I have sinned, betraying innocent blood! they however have said: why go this us without? worry you (SG) about that! 5and he did a throw did the silver pieces of in Heikhal into, and is went away! and gone and did himself hang. 6and the chief kohenim have taken the silver pieces of, and said: one is not lawful them not place in in the Otsar HaKorbanos (Temple treasury), because it is blood money. 7and after that when they have self conferred, did they with it buy the potter's field, a burial site for the proselytes. 8therefore called that field the blood field until to the today's day. 9then is fulfilled become, what it is become said through Yirmeyah the prophet, so to say: and they have taken the thirty pieces of silver, the worth of the one valued, whom they have value, from the children Israel; 10and have them given for the potter's field, according to as the L-rd has Me ordered.
11and Yehoshua is stood become before the governor, and the governor did him asked, so to say: (question) are you (SG) the king of the Jews? and Yehoshua has said; you (SG) say it! 12and when he is accused become by the chief kohenim and elders, has he nothing answered. 13then says Pilate to him: you (SG) hear not, what they say anything against you (SG)? 14and he has him not answered, even not on one single word, so, that the governor has self very amazed. 15and on each Yom Tov is the governor was accustomed to release for the people one prisoner, whomever they have wanted. 16and they have then had a well known prisoner, who was called Bar-Abba. 17therefore when they have themselves gathered, has Pilate to them said: whom want you (PL), that I shall you (PL) release, Bar-Abba or Yehoshua, who they call him Moshiach? 18because he did know, that on account of envy have they him handed over. 19and while he is sat on the throne of judgment, did his wife to him send, so to say: you shall nothing have to do with the this tsaddik; because I have today a many suffered in a dream through him! 20the chief kohenim however and the elders have persuaded the crowds of people, that they shall request Bar-Abba, Yehoshua however to let kill. 21and the governor has answering to them said: which of the two want you (PL), that I shall you (PL) release? and they have said: Bar-Abba! 22says Pilate to them: and what shall I do with Yehoshua, who they call him Moshiach? say all: he shall hanged up on the tree! 23and he has said: what for a evil has he then done? they however have further shouted, so to say: he shall hanged up on the tree! 24and when Pilate has seen, that he was achieving nothing, only that it becomes a greater turmoil, has he taken water and self washed the hands before the crowd people, and said: I am innocent concerning the this tsaddik's blood; you (PL) see. 25and the whole crowd (of) has answering said; his blood on us, and on our children! 26then has he them set free Bar-Abba; Yehoshua however has he let flog and him handed over, that he shall hanged up on the tree to be.
27then have the governor's soldiers taken Yehoshua in Praetorium into, and have gathered around him the whole cohort. 28and they have him stripped, and did place on him a scarlet robe. 29and braided a crown of thorns and it put on his head, and have him given a rod in his right hand; have bowed the knee before him, and mocked at him, in this way to say: peace to you (SG), king of the Jews! 30and have spat on him, and taken the rod and him struck on the head. 31and when they have had (finished) spitting of him, have they him stripped the robe, and him dressed his own clothes, and have him led away hanged up on the tree to be.
32and as they are going out, have they found a man, a man of Cyrene, with the name Simon; the one this have they compel, that he shall wear his tree. 33and did come to a place of, which means Golgotha, this means a place of a skull, 34and have him given to drink wine mixed with gall; and he has it tasted and not wanted drink. 35and after the when they have him hung up on the tree, have they themselves divide his clothing, casting lots, 36and have themselves sat down and him there watch. 37and they have put over his head his indictment, written: this is Yehoshua the king of the Jews. 38to that time were with him hung up on a tree two robbers, one of the right side, and one of the left side. 39and the passers by did him blasphemed, shaking with their heads, 40and saying; you (SG), who destroys the Heikhal, and builds it up in three days, save you alone! if you (SG) are the Son of the Most High, come down of tree! 41likewise have also the chief kohenim with the scribes and elders mocked of him, and said: 42others has he helped, self alone can he not help. he is the king of Israel; let he now come down from tree, and we will believe in in him! 43he has had confidence on Hashem; let he him now save, if he wants him. he has after all said: I am the Son of the Most High! 44and this same have also the robbers, who are hung up on a tree become with him, him taunted.
45and from the sixth hour on is become a darkness over entire land until the ninth hour. 46and around the ninth hour has Yehoshua a shout done with a loud voice, so to say: My G-d My G-d why have You forsaken me! the means: G-d mine, G-d mine, why you have Me forsaken? 47and when some of those, who are there standing, have it heard, have they said: he calls Eliyahu! 48and soon is one of them run, and took a sponge, and it filled with vinegar, and put it on a stick, and has him given to drink. 49the others however have said: wait, let us see, if Eliyahu comes him to save. 50and Yehoshua has again a shout done with a loud voice, and has give up his spirit. 51and look, the curtain of Heikhal has itself rip in two from top to bottom; and the earth has tremble; and the rocks have self split; 52and the graves have self opened; and a many bodies of the sleeping saints are stand up again; 53and are go out of the graves after his resurrection of the dead ones and are come in in the holy city into and have themselves shown to a many. 54and the (Roman) officer and the with him, who have watch Yehoshua, when they have seen the earthquake, and what it is happened, have themselves very afraid, and said: he is in truth was the Son of the Most High! 55and there are was a many women, who have themselves look from a distance, which have followed Yehoshua from Galilee, serving him; 56among them was Mary of Magdala, and Mary, the mother of Jacob and Yosi, and the mother of Zavdai's children.
57and when it is become evening, is come a rich man of Ramatayim, his name was Joseph, who is himself also was Yeshua's disciple of. 58the this one went to Pilate, and has requested Yeshua's body. then has Pilate commanded, that it shall him given to be. 59and Joseph has taken the body, and him wrapped in a clean sheet (tachrichim), 60and has him laid in his new tomb, who he has hewn in the rock, and has rolled over a great stone on the door of tomb, and is went away. 61it is however there was Mary of Magdala, and the other Mary, who have themselves sat down opposite the tomb.
62and the next morning, which is after Erev Sabbath, have the chief kohenim and the Pharisees themselves gathered with Pilate, 63and have said: Master, we remind ourselves, that that deceiver had said, while he was still alive: in three days around will I standing up again. 64order then, that the tomb shall held to be secure until to the third day, lest will the disciples come and him steal away, and say the people: he is stand up again from the dead; and the last deception will be worse from the first. 65has Pilate to them said: you (PL) shall have a watch! go and make secure how you (PL) understand. 66and they did go, and have secured the tomb with the guard, and sealed the stone.

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Mattityahu 27: OYBCENGL





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