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Mattityahu 26

chapter six and twenty
1and it is happened, when Yehoshua has finished all the these words, has he said to his disciples: 2you (PL) know, that in two days around is Pesach, and the Son of Man becomes handed over for to hang up on a tree to become. 3then have themselves gathered the chief kohenim, and the elders of the people, in the courtyard of the kohen gadol, who was named Caiapha; 4and they have self conferred, so as to arrest Yehoshua with cunning, and him to kill. 5but, have they said: not Yom Tov, so that it shall not become any riot among the people.
6and while Yehoshua was in Beit-Anyah in Simon the Leper's house, 7is come over to him a woman, who did have an alabaster bottle with very expensive ointment, and that did she poured out on his head, when he was sitting at the table. 8when however the disciples have it seen, are they become angry, and said: why the this one waste? 9because the these has one could (for) much value sold, and it give to poor people. 10but Yehoshua has it notice, and has to them said: why make you (PL) grief of soul the woman? she did after all Me done a good! 11because the poor people have you (PL) always with you (PL), Me however have you (PL) not always! 12because pouring out the this ointment on my body, did she it do for my burial. 13in truth tell I you (PL): where ever the this Good News will preached become in the whole world, will they also say, what she has done, her in remembrance!
14then went one of the twelve, who was named Yehudah Ish Kriot, to the chief kohenim, 15and has said: what will you (PL) me give, when I will him give over to you? and they have him weigh thirty pieces of silver. 16and from then on did he seek a good opportunity, in order that he shall him betray.
17and the first day of Feast of Unleavened Bread are the disciples went (come) over to Yehoshua, so to say: where you want should we prepare for you (SG) to eat the sacrifice Pesach? 18and he has said: go in the city into to so and so, and say to him: the Rebbe says: my time is near; at your (place) will I make Pesach with my disciples. 19and the disciples have done, as Yehoshua had them ordered; and prepared the Korban Pesach. 20and when it is become evening, did he Himself sat down to the table with the twelve disciples. 21and while they were eating, has he said; in truth tell I you (PL), that one of you (PL) will Me betray! 22and they turned very grieved, and have begun, one after the other, to say to him: L-rd, am I the (one)? 23and he has answering said: the one, who dips one the hand with Me in the bowl, the this one will Me betray. 24the Son of Man go actually according to as it stands written about him; woe is however to that man, through whom the Son of Man gets betray! it were good for that man, if he would nothing born become. 25and Yehudah, who did him betray, did (in) answering said: Rebbe, am I that? says he to him: you (SG) you have it said! 26and while they were eating, has Yehoshua taken bread, and has made a bracha, has it broken, and given to the disciples, and said: take, eat! this is my body. 27and he has taken a cup, made a bracha, and gave to them, saying: drink all from it! 28because this is my blood of the new covenant, which being shed for many to the (medium) of forgiveness of sin. 29I tell you (PL) however, I will more not drink from now on of the fruit from the vine, until to that day, when I will this drink with you (PL) new in the kingdom of my Father.
30and they have end singing Hallel, and are go out to the Mount of Olives.
31then says Yehoshua to them: you (PL) all will stumble become in Me in the this one night; because it stands written: I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will scattered to be. (Zechariah 13, 7.) 32but after my standing up again, will I go ahead before you (PL) to Galilee. 33Peter however has answering to him said: even when all will stumble to be in you (SG), will I me never not stumble! 34has Yehoshua to him said: in truth tell I you (SG), that in the this one night, before a cock will a crow do, will you Me three times deny! 35says Peter to him: and if I shall must die with you (SG), will I you never way not deny! likewise have also all disciples said.
36then go Yehoshua with them on an place of, which called Gat-Shmanim, and says to the disciples: sit yourself here down, until I will go there and prayer do. 37and he did taken along Peter and Zavdai's two sons, and did begin to mourn and to be grieved. 38then says he to them: my soul is deep grieved, unto to the death! remains here, and watch with Me! 39and went a little ahead, and is fall down on his face, has pray do and said: my Father if it is possible, shall going away from Me the this one goblet; yet not as I want, but as you (SG)! 40and he goes to to the disciples, and finds them asleep, and says to Peter: so, you (PL) have not be able watch with Me one hour? 41keep watch and do prayer, so that you (PL) shall not come to any temptation! the spirit is actually willing, the flesh however is weak. 42again is he to the second (one) time went away, and has prayer done, so to say: my Father, if the these can not pass by, except I shall it drink, shall your will to happen! 43and he is come and has them again found asleep; because their eyes are was heavy. 44and he has them left, is again went away, and prayer done to the third times, saying again the same words. 45then goes he over to the disciples, and says to them: you (PL) sleep still all, and rests? look, the hour has self come near, and the Son of Man is betrayed in the hands of sinners! 46stand up, let us go! look, the one who betrays Me is near!
47and while he has still speaking, look, Yehudah, one of the twelve, is come and with him a very large crowd with swords and clubs, from the chief kohenim and elders of (the) people. 48the one however, who has him betray, had them given a sign, and said: whom I will give a kiss, this one is it, seize him! 49and immediately is he went to Yehoshua, and said: peace, Rebbe! and has him kissed. 50Yehoshua however has to him said: friend, to what you are come? then are they went (come) over and have lay the hands on Yehoshua, and him taken. 51and look, one of the (ones), who are was with Yehoshua, did stretch out the hand, and drew out his sword, and has struck the kohen gadol's servant, and him chopped off an ear. 52then says Yehoshua to him: put back your sword in its place of! because all, who take a sword, will perish with the sword. 53or perhaps you think, that I can not ask my Father, and he will Me even now give more than twelve legions angels? 54and how then would the scriptures (the Holy) be able fulfilled become, that just so must it happened? 55in that hour has Yehoshua said to the crowds of people: like against a bandit are you (PL) come out with swords and clubs, Me to arrest. day out day one am I sat in Beis HaMikdash and taught, and you (PL) did Me not take. 56this all however is happened, so that the scriptures of the prophets should fulfilled become. then have all disciples him left, and are run away.
57and the (ones), who have taken Yehoshua, have him led away to Caiapha, the kohen gadol, where the scribes and the elders are were assembled. 58and Peter has him followed from a distance until to the courtyard of kohen gadol, and is entered inside, and himself sat down with the guards, to see the end. 59and the chief kohenim and the whole Sanhedrin have sought a false witness speak against Yehoshua, so that they shall him be able to kill; 60and have not found, although a many false witnesses are come. finally however are come two, 61and have said: that (one) this one has said: I am able to destroy the Heikhal of Hashem, and it rebuild in three days. 62and the kohen gadol has self stood up, and said to him: you (SG) answer nothing? what is this, which they say witness against you (SG)? 63Yehoshua however was silent. and the kohen gadol has said to him: I adjure you by the living G-d, that you (SG) you shall us say, (question) you (SG) are the Moshiach, the Son of the Most High! 64says Yehoshua to him: you (SG) you have it said! yet say I you (PL): from now on will you (PL) see the Son of Man sit on the right side of the Power, and coming on the clouds of heaven! (Psalms 110, 1; Daniel 7, 13-14.) 65then has the kohen gadol rip his clothing, saying: he has blasphemed; why need we still have witness? look, you (PL) have now heard the blasphemy. 66what think you (PL)? and they have answering said: he is deserving death. 67then have they him spat in face into and have him struck with the fists; 68others have him given slaps, and said: Moshiach, tell prophecies to us! who is it, that has you struck?
69and Peter was sitting outside on the courtyard. and a servant-girl is come over to him, and has said: also were with Yehoshua the Galilean! 70he however did it deny before (to) everyone, so to say: I know not, what you (SG) say! 71and is go out to the porch, and an another has him caught sight of, and says to the people there: the this one was with Yehoshua of Natseret! 72and again did he it deny with a oath: I know not the man! 73and after a short while are come over the (ones), who were there standing, and have said to Peter: it is truth, also you (SG) are one of them; because even your place of speaking betrays (gives you away) you. 74then did he begin to curse and swear: I know not the man! and immediately did a cock crowed. 75and Peter has self remembered that word of Yehoshua, which he had (to) him had said: before a cock will a crow do, will you Me three times deny. and he is went out outside, and did bitter weep.

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Mattityahu 26: OYBCENGL





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