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Mattityahu 21

chapter one and twenty
1and when they have themselves come near to Jerusalem, and are come to Beit-Pagey, by the Mount of Olives, has Yehoshua then sent two of his disciples, 2and said to them: go into in the village, which lies opposite you (PL), and immediately will you (PL) find a donkey tied up, and a young small donkey with her, untie them on, and bring them to me. 3and if someone will you (PL) something say, shall you (PL) say: the L-rd need them has; and he will them immediately send. 4and the these is happened, so that it shall fulfilled to be, what it is said become through the prophet, so to say:
5says the daughter of Zion:
look, your king comes to you (SG),
an meek person, and riding on an donkey,
and on an small donkey, the young of an donkey.
(Yeshayah 62, 11; Zechariah 9, 9)
6and the disciples did go, and have done what Yehoshua did them give directive, 7and did bring the donkey with the small donkey, and on them did place the clothing; and he did himself sit up on them. 8and the most of the crowd did spread out their clothing on the road; and others did break off branches from the trees, 9and them spread on the road. and the crowds, who were walking ahead before him, and who have followed, have shouted, so to say:
blessed is the to Ben David!
blessed shall be the one,
who comes in the Name of the L-rd.
blessed is the highest!
(Psalms 118, 25-26)
10and when he is entered to Jerusalem, is the whole city stirred up become, and said: who is this the this one? 11the crowds however have said: this is the prophet Yehoshua from Natseret, in Galilee.
12and Yehoshua is went in in Beis HaMikdash, and did drive out all who did sell and buy in Beis HaMikdash, and overturned the tables of the money changers, and the benches of those, who did sell doves; 13and says to them: it stands written: my house will called to be a house (of) prayer! (Yeshayah 56, 7) you (PL) however have it made for a den of robbers. (Yirmeyah 7, 11.) 14and are come to him blind men and lame in Beis HaMikdash, and he did them healed. 15as however the chief kohenim and the scribes have seen the wonders, which he has done, and the children shout in Beis HaMikdash and say: blessed is the to Ben David, are they furious become, 16and have to him said: you (SG) hear, what they say? and Yehoshua says to them: yes! (question) have you (PL) never not read: out the mouth of children and suckling you have prepared praise? (Psalms 8, 3.) 17and did them leave, and is gone out beyond the city to Beit-Anyah. and there slept over.
18and in the morning, returning self in city into, is he hungry become. 19and seeing an single fig tree by the road, and is went over to it, and did nothing find on it except leaves only; and he says to it: it shall more not grow on you (SG) any fruit until on eternity! and the fig tree is soon withered become. 20and when the disciples did it see, did they themselves were amazed, and said: how is the fig tree so suddenly wither become! 21Yehoshua however has answering to them said: in truth say I you (PL): when you (PL) shall have faith, and not doubt, will you (PL) do not only that with the fig tree, but even if you (PL) will say to the this mountain: pick yourself up and throw yourself in sea into, will it happened. 22and all, which you (PL) will ask in prayer, if you (PL) will believe, will you (PL) it received.
23and when he is come in house HaMikdash into, are the chief kohenim and the elders of the people went (come) over to him, while he has taught, and have said: with what for a authority do you do the these things? and who has you (SG) given the this authority? 24and Yehoshua has answering to them said: I want you (PL) also ask one thing, which if you (PL) will me tell, will I you (PL) also tell with what for a authority I do the these things. 25John's mikveh—from where did (it) come? from heaven or from men? and they have this discussed among themselves, so to say: will we say: from heaven, will he say to us: then why did you (PL) him not believe? 26will we however say: from men, must we fear have before the crowd? because all hold John for a prophet. 27and they have answering said to Yehoshua: we know not! has he also to them said, say I you (PL) also not, with what for a authority I do the these things. 28what however think you (PL)? a man has had two children; and he is went over to the first, and said: my child, go work today in vineyard. 29and he has answering said: here am I, L-rd! and does not go! 30and he is went (come) over to the second (one) and has said the same thing. this one however has said: I will not! 31then did he regret had, and has gone. which of the both has done the father's will? say they: the last. says Yehoshua to them: in truth say I you (PL), that the tax collectors and the prostitutes go into ahead before you (PL) in the kingdom of Hashem. 32because John is come to you (PL) on the way of righteousness and you (PL) have not believed in him. the tax collectors however and the prostitutes have him indeed believed, and you (PL), although you (PL) did it see, have even later not regret had, so as him to believe.
33hear an another parable: it was a man, a owner of the house, who has planted a vineyard, and has it encircled with a fence, and dug a winepress in it, and built a tower, and has it let out to wine gardeners, and does depart. 34and when it has self come closer (to) the time of fruit, has he sent his servants to the wine gardeners (to) collect his fruit. 35and the wine gardeners have taken his servants, and one they beat up, and an other killed, and a third they stoned. 36he has again sent other servants, more than the first; and they have with them done the same. 37then has he sent to them his Son, and has said: they will themselves to be ashamed before my Son, 38the wine gardeners however, as they have him caught sight of, have said among themselves: this is the heir; come, let us him kill, and take away his inheritance. 39and have him taken, and threw outside of vineyard, and killed. 40when therefore the L-rd of the vineyard will come, what then will he do to those wine gardeners? 41say they to him: he will the ung-dly kill on a terrible way, and the vineyard rent to other wine gardeners, who will him return the fruit in their seasons. 42said Yehoshua to them: have you (PL) never not read in the Scriptures?
the stone, which the builders have rejected,
is become to the head of the corner (stone).
from the L-rd (Hashem) is this happened,
and it is a wonder in our eyes.
(Psalms 118, 22-23)
43therefore say I you (PL): the kingdom of Hashem will taken away to be from you (PL), and given to be to a people, who bring forth its fruit. 44(and who it falls on the this stone, this one will crushed to be; on whom however it will fall, will it him crush.) 45and when the chief kohenim and the Pharisees have heard his parables, have they understood, that he speaks about them. 46and have sought him to arrest, and have themselves afraid before the crowds of people, because they has him held for a prophet.

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Mattityahu 21: OYBCENGL





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