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Mattityahu 17

chapter seventeen
1and in six days around takes Yehoshua with himself Peter, and Jacob, and his brother John, and leads them alone up on a high mountain. 2and he is transfigured become before them, and his face did shine like the sun, and his clothing are become white as the light. 3and look, Moses and Eliyahu have themselves appear to them, speaking with him. 4and Peter has answering said to Yehoshua: L-rd, it is good for us here to be! if you (SG) want, will I here make three tents; one for you (SG), and one for Moses, and one for Eliyahu. 5and while he was still speaking, look, a bright cloud has them overshadow; and look, a voice out of the cloud has said: this is my beloved Son, in whom I have a well pleased; him shall you (PL) hear! 6and as the disciples have it heard, are they fell down on their faces, and have themselves very afraid. 7and Yehoshua is go over and has them touched and said: stand up, and have not any fear! 8and when they have lift up their eyes, have they nobody seen, except Yehoshua alone.
9and while they are went down from mountain, has Yehoshua them ordered, so to say: tell anyone not of the vision, until the Son of Man is stand up again from the dead. 10and the disciples have him asked, so to say: and why say the scribes, that Eliyahu must to the first come? 11he however has answering said: Eliyahu comes actually, and will all restore; 12but I tell you (PL), that Eliyahu is already come, and they have him not recognized, only did with him, what they have wanted. just in this way will also the Son of Man have to suffering from them. 13then did the disciples understand, that he has spoken to them about John of the (Yarden) mikveh.
14and when they are come to the crowd people, is come to him a man, who is knelt down before him on the knee, 15and said: L-rd, have mercy on you on my son; because he is a epileptic, and suffers hard; because often falls he in fire into, and often in water into. 16and I have him brought to your disciples, and they have him not be able heal. 17and Yehoshua has answering said: o faithless and perverse generation! how long shall I be with you (PL)? how long shall I you (PL) tolerate? bring him here to me! 18and Yehoshua has rebuked on him, and the evil Spirit is from him out, and the boy is healthy become from that hour without. 19then are the disciples went (come) over to Yehoshua, when they are was with him alone, and have said: why are we not was able him to cast out? 20and he says to them: on account of your lack of faith! because in truth tell I you (PL): if you (PL) would have faith as a mustard seed, would you (PL) have said to the this mountain: lift you up from here to there! and it would itself picked up, and any thing would not have been impossible for you (PL). 21(the this one kind however goes not out except through prayer and fasting.) 22and while they are walking about in Galilee, has Yehoshua to them said: the Son of Man will turned over become in hands of men; 23and they will him kill, and the third day will he standing up again. and they have become very grieved.
24and when they are come to K'far-Nachum, are the (Temple tax) collector of the half shekel come to Peter, and said: your Rebbe pay not the half shekel? 25says he: yes! and when he is come in in house, is Yehoshua him met coming, saying: what you think, Simon? the kings of the earth, of whom take they taxes or tribute? from their children, or from strangers? 26and when he has said: of strangers, has Yehoshua to him said: thus are the children free! 27but so that we should not be any stumbling block for them, go to the sea, and throw in a fishing rod, and take the first fish, which will come up; and when you (SG) will open its mouth, will you find a silver coin (a stater); take it, and give it for me and for you (SG).

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Mattityahu 17: OYBCENGL





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