Galatians 6
chapter six
1brothers, when even a person gets caught in something a transgression, shall you (PL), the men of the Spirit, such people again restore in a spirit of humility; attention giving on yourself, lest will you also come to a temptation. 2carry one the another's burdens, and in such way will you (PL) fulfilling be the Torah of the Moshiach. 3because if someone thinks, that he is something, when he is nothing, deceives he himself alone. 4but shall every one test his own doing, and then will he have the glory only for self alone, and not against the other. 5because every one will bear his own burden.
6the one, who becomes taught in Scripture, let to share with the one, who teaches him. 7deceive self not yourself up; Hashem allows not mock of Himself; because what a man will only sow, the these will he also reap. 8because the one, who sows by his flesh, will of the flesh reap corruption; the one however, who sows by the Spirit, will of the Spirit reap eternal life. 9let us not to be weary to do good; because we will reap in the appropriate time, if we will not lose heart become. 10therefore, just as we have an opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and above all to the household of our faith.
11see with what for a great letters I have written to you (PL) with my (own) hand. 12all, who want make a fair appearance in the flesh, compel you (PL) yourselves to allow circumcised be; only so that they should not persecuted become for the tree of Moshiach. 13because even the circumcised themselves keep not up the law (of 613 mitzahs be worthy of self merit); but they want, that you (PL) shall yourselves circumcised be, so that they should themselves boast with your flesh. 14for me however let this not happen shall it be myself to boast, except with the tree of the L-rd our Yehoshua the Moshiach, through which the world the this is hung up on the tree become to me, and I to the world the this. 15because not circumcision not uncircumcision is anything, but a new creation. 16and as many as it will live according to the this rule, peace on them and mercy, and on the Israel of Hashem.
17moreover shall me no one (more not) cause any weariness, because I bear in my body the signs of the (L-rd) Yehoshua.
18the grace of the L-rd our Yehoshua the Moshiach (shall be) with your spirit, brothers. Amen.
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