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To the People of the Tribes of Wrestles with Creator 10

1Our tribal law is only a dim shadow of the good things to come, not the things themselves. The ceremonial sacrifices and offerings required by our law are repeated over and over again year after year. These ceremonies cannot fully set free and make whole those who draw near to the Great Spirit. 2If they could, would they not have stopped offering them? For once the ceremonies had been performed, the people would be purified in their hearts and minds, and no longer feel the guilt of their broken ways.
3But these yearly ceremonies keep reminding the people that their bad hearts and broken ways have not been fully purified. 4For it is not possible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away bad hearts and broken ways.
5So then, when the Chosen One came into this world, he said, “O Great Spirit, sacrifice and offering is not what you want, but you have given me a human body to bring an end to these sacrifices once and for all. 6Burnt animal sacrifices and other offerings for broken ways do not make your heart glad.” 7Then the Chosen One said, “In the Sacred Book, it has been written about me. ‘Behold! I have come to do what you want done, O Great Spirit.’”
8First, the Chosen One said that “the Great Spirit does not want sacrifices and offerings, nor is he pleased with them,” even though they are required by our tribal law. 9Then he said, “Behold, I have come to do what you, the Great Spirit, wants done.” This means that he has taken away the first peace treaty with its law of sacrifices and offerings to put in its place the second. 10The Chosen One did what Creator wanted when he made us holy by offering his body once for all time.
11 Under our tribal law holy men keep performing the same ceremonies day after day and making the same sacrifices over and over again. Those sacrifices can never take away bad hearts and broken ways.
12But the Chosen One, after performing the once-for-all-time ceremony to heal our broken ways, sat down at Creator’s right hand—the place of greatest honor. 13He now rules from there and waits until all his enemies have been defeated and humbled.#10:13 Psalm 110:1 14For by this one offering he has for all time completely set free the ones he is making holy.
15The Holy Spirit tells us the same truth. First, he says, 16“‘This is the peace treaty I will make with them in the coming days,’ says the Great Spirit Chief. ‘I will carve my laws on their hearts and plant them into their minds.’”#10:16 Jeremiah 31:33
17Then he says, “And their broken ways and wrongdoings I will remember no more.”#10:17 Jeremiah 31:34
18Now when broken ways and wrongdoings have been forgiven like this, there is no longer any need for further offerings.
19So then, my sacred family members, since Creator Sets Free (Jesus) has offered his own lifeblood in this way, this gives us the courage to walk boldly into the Most Holy Place. 20He has made a new and living way for us to pass through the blanket—that is, his human body—to go into the Most Holy Place.
21Since we have such a great chief holy man, who is headman of Creator’s family lodge, 22let us draw near with honest hearts, trusting fully in what the Chosen One has done. For our hearts have been washed clean from guilt and shame and our bodies washed with pure water. 23Let us get a firm and steady hold on this hope we say is ours, for the one who made the promise to us can be fully trusted.
24We should think about how to stir each other up toward love and doing good. 25To do this, we must never give up on gathering together, as some have. Instead, we should encourage each other, and all the more as you see the day of his appearing coming near.
26For if we keep stubbornly walking in broken ways after the truth has been made clear to us, then no further sacrifice can be made for our broken ways. 27All that remains is to wait for the fiery judgment that will burn up all who are hostile to Creator’s right ways.
28Under the law given by Drawn from the Water (Moses), anyone who set aside that law was put to death without pity on the word of two or three witnesses. 29How much worse punishment do you think is deserved by the one who has trampled underfoot the Son of the Great Spirit, who treats the lifeblood of the peace treaty that makes us holy as having no value, and treats with disrespect the Spirit who gives us the gift of his great kindness?
30For we know Creator has said, “Punishment for wrongs belongs to me. I will make sure that wrongs are made right again.”#10:30 Deuteronomy 32:35 And the Sacred Teachings have also said, “The Great Spirit Chief will decide for all his people who has done right and who has done wrong.”#10:30 Deuteronomy 32:36 31It is a fearful thing to come before the living Creator to give an answer for the wrongs we have done.
32Remember those early days when you first started walking in the light of the good story. You kept walking the road even when the way forward was a struggle filled with pain and suffering. 33At times the path was hard to walk, as you faced open shame and insults. At other times you walked side by side with those who were being mistreated. 34You shared in the pain of those who were in prison. When your own possessions were stolen, you accepted it with glad hearts, knowing that you have been given better possessions that will never fade away.
35So keep your hearts from falling to the ground. Hold your heads high. For a great honor awaits you at the end of the trail. 36All you need is to keep walking with firm steps, doing what Creator wants. He will make sure you receive all that he has promised.
37For the Sacred Teachings tell us, “It will not be long until the Coming One arrives. He will be here soon! 38Until then the ones who are in good standing with Creator will walk the road of life by trusting in him. But he will not be pleased with any who turn back.”#10:38 Habakkuk 2:3-4
39We are not the ones who turn back and lose their way, but we are the ones whose whole beings are kept safe and made whole by trusting in him.





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