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To the People of the Tribes of Wrestles with Creator 9

1Under the first peace treaty, there were instructions for ceremonies and a sacred lodge tent that is of this world. 2The first room in the sacred lodge tent was called the Holy Place. In that room, there was a lampstand and a table for the sacred bread and other ceremonial items.
3A blanket was hung between the Holy Place and the next room, which was called the Most Holy Place. 4In this room, there was a sacred altar for the burning of sweet-smelling herbs and spices, and a cedar box#9:4 The ark or box was made of acacia wood. We use cedarhere because many Native Americans use a cedar box to hold ceremonial items. of the peace treaty that was covered with gold on all sides.
Inside the cedar box was a golden pot filled with the mysterious bread,#9:4 Lit. manna, meaning “what is it?” A mysterious food. See Exodus 16:33; John 6:32-33, 48-51. the walking stick of Light Bearer (Aaron) that blossomed, and the stone tablets of the peace treaty. 5Above the cedar box were the bright-shining winged ones whose wings overshadowed the mercy seat. But we cannot speak at length about these things at this time.
6When all these things had been made ready in a good way, the holy men would go into the outer room of the sacred lodge tent over and over again to perform the sacred ceremonies. 7But only the chief holy man could enter into the second room, the Most Holy Place, and then only once a year. He must also take blood from a sacrificed animal in with him to offer first for himself and then for the wrongs the people did not mean to do.
8By all these things the Holy Spirit is showing us that the way into the Most Holy Place in the spirit-world above was not yet open as long as the first sacred lodge tent in this world was still standing. 9This has spiritual meaning for the time we live in. It shows us that the gifts and offerings made in the sacred lodge tent that now stands cannot truly set free the heart and mind of the one who brings the offerings. 10These things are only concerned with food and drink and different kinds of ceremonial washings—rules about outward things. They were needed until it was time for a new way to be revealed.
11But now the Chosen One has appeared as the chief holy man of the good things that have now come. He entered into the true and greater sacred tent lodge, the one not made with human hands, meaning not of this creation. He entered into the Most Holy Place once for all time and for all people. 12He did not go in with the blood of goats and calves but with his own lifeblood. In doing so, he paid the highest price to set us free and make us whole for all time.
13If the blood of goats and young bulls and the ashes of a young cow sprinkled on those who are ceremonially unclean can purify our bodies, 14then how much more will the lifeblood of the Chosen One accomplish? Through the eternal Spirit he offered his life to the Great Spirit to purify our hearts and minds from the meaningless things we have done to try to please the Great Spirit. Now we can serve the living Creator with the life that comes from him!
15This is why it must be the Chosen One who makes a new peace treaty between human beings and the Great Spirit. His death was the price he paid to release people from their failure to walk true to the first peace treaty. This new peace treaty was needed so that those who answer his call will share in all the promised blessings that will never fade away.
16-17This kind of peace treaty#9:16-17 Similar to a last will and testament does not begin while the one who made it remains alive. It begins after the death of the one who made it. 18This is why even the first peace treaty required blood to be shed. 19Drawn from the Water (Moses) told the people all that our tribal law required them to do. Then he used red wool and a hyssop#9:19 An herbal plant with long stems. Used ceremonially to sprinkle the blood of a sacrifice. See Psalm 51:7. branch to sprinkle the book of the law and the people with water and the blood of bulls and goats.
20He said to our people, “This is the blood of the peace treaty the Great Spirit has made with you. You must do all that it says.”#9:20 Exodus 24:8
21In the same way, he sprinkled the sacred lodge tent and all the ceremonial objects with blood. 22So then, according to our tribal law, almost all things need to be washed clean with blood, and unless lifeblood has been poured out in death there is no being set free from broken ways. 23If the earthly copies of what is in the spirit-world above needed purification in this way, then better offerings are needed to purify the things in the spirit-world above.
24For the Chosen One did not go into a Holy Place made with human hands—an earthly copy of the true Holy Place. He went into the spirit-world above, where he now represents us before the Great Spirit. 25He did not go in to offer himself again and again like the chief holy man who every year goes into the earthly Holy Place with lifeblood that is not his own. 26For then, from the time when the world was formed, he would have had to suffer over and over again. But now, at the fullness of the ages, he appeared to bring an end to broken ways by performing the once-for-all-time ceremony when he offered himself.
27Human beings die once, and then they must stand before the one who decides what they have done right and what they have done wrong. 28So the Chosen One also died once when he took on himself the bad hearts and broken ways of many people. He will appear a second time, not to die for broken ways but to set free and make whole all who keep their eyes wide open as they wait for him.





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