John 21
Peter, Tammas, and a wheen mair, at the Loch oʼ Tiberias. Jesus eats meat wiʼ them; and sets Peter richt again.
1Eftir thir things, Jesus schawed his sel again to the disciples at the Loch oʼ Tiberias; and he schawed his sel thus; —
2Thar war thegither Simon Peter, and Tammas, caʼd “The Twin,” and Nathaniel oʼ Galilee‐Cana, and they oʼ Zebedee, and twa ither oʼ the disciples.
3Simon Peter says to them, “I gang to the fishin!” Quoʼ they to him, “We, too, gang wyʼe!” They gaed oot, and enterʼt intil the boat; and that night they tuik naething.
4But whan the morn was dawin, Jesus stood on the strand; but his disciples kent‐na that it was Jesus.
5Than said Jesus to them, “Bairns, hae ye aiblins ocht to eat?” They answerʼt him “Na!”
6He said to them, “Cast ye the net on the richt side oʼ the boat, and ye sal finʼ!” Sae they cuist, and noo they coudna drawʼt for the rowth oʼ fish.
7Noo that disciple wham Jesus loʼed says to Peter, “It is the Lord!” As sune as Peter heard it was the Lord, he bund his coat aboot him — for he was strippit — and cuist his sel intil the sea.
8And the ither disciples cam wiʼ the wee boat (for they warna far frae lanʼ, but some fifty faddoms aff), trailin the net oʼ fish.
9As sune as they cam to the lanʼ they see an ingle oʼ coals thar, and fish ower it; and breid.
10Jesus says to them, “Bring some oʼ the fish ye hae noo taʼen!”
11Simon Peter gaed up, and feshʼt the net to lanʼ, fuʼ oʼ muckle fish, a hunner and fifty‐thrie; and yet for aʼ they war sae mony, the net wasna riven.
12Jesus says to them, “Come awa and eat!” And no ane oʼ them venturʼt to speir at him, “Wha are ye?” kennin it was the Lord.
13Jesus comes, and taks the breid, and gies them; and the fish as weel.
14This is eʼen the third time Jesus shawed his sel to his disciples, eftir he was risen frae the deid.
15Sae whan they had eaten, Jesus says to Simon Peter, “Simon, son oʼ John! Love ye mair than thir do?” He says to him, “Aye, Lord! thou kens I treasur thee!” He says to him, “Feed my wee lambs!”
16He says to him again, a second time, “Simon, son oʼ John! Love ye me?” He says to him, “Aye, Lord! thou kens I treasur thee!” He says to him, “Herd my sheep!”
17He says to him the third time, “Simon, son oʼ John! treasur ye me me?” Peter was wae that he said to him the third time, “Treasur ye me?” And he said to him, “Lord! thou kens aʼ things; thou weel kens I treasur thee?” Jesus says to him, “Feed my puir sheep!
18“Truly, truly say I tʼye, Whan ye war young, ye girt yersel, and stappit oot whaur ye wad; but whan ye sal be auld, ye sal rax oot yere hauns, and anither sal gird ye, and cairry ye whaur ye wad‐na.”
19Thus spak he, to signify by whatna #21:19 John, it is maist like, wrate his Gospel eftir Peterʼs death; and the tale oʼ his crucifixion that has come doon to us, may be fecklie true; it evens weel wiʼ verse 18.death he soud glorify God. And whan he had said this, he says to him, “Follow ye me!”
20Peter, turnin aboot, sees the disciple wham Jesus loʼed followin, the ane wha leant again his breist at supper, and said, “Lord! wha isʼt that betrays thee?”
21Peter, seein him, says to Jesus, “Lord! and this man, what oʼ him?”
22Jesus says to him, “Gin I wull that he wait till I come, what isʼt to you? Ye follow me!”
23This sayin than gaed oot amang the brethren, that that disciple wasna to dee. But Jesus said‐na, “He sanna dee!” but “Gin I wull that he wait till I come, what isʼt to you!”
24This is the disciple that testifies oʼ thir things, and penned thir things, and we ken that his testimonie is true.
25And mony ither things are thar that Jesus did; sae that gin aiblins they war to be penned every ane, I tak it that eʼen the warld itsel wadna haud the buiks that wad needs be penned.
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John 21: SCO1904

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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.