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Luka 9

O Jesus bitchrell peskre malen pash i menshende
1Pal kowa das lo peskre deesh-te-dui malen pash peste gole, un das len i soor pral i tsele benga, te nai tradenn le len dran i menshende win, un te nai krenn le i nasselen sasto. 2Un job bitchras len pash i menshende, te penenn le lenge, te hi o tsiro kanna kai, kai o Dewel i menshen pash peste gole della, te djan le ap leskro drom. Un job bitchras len ninna, te krenn le i nasselen sasto.
3Un job penas lenge: “Te djan tumer ap o drom, ma lenn tchi peha: kek kasht, kek possita, kek maro, kek lowe, witar gar i duito gad! 4Te lell jek tumen an peskro kheer dren, atchenn pash leste jaake rah, bis te djan dureder! 5Un te lenn le tumen gar an pengro kheer dren, djan tumenge dran kau foro, un denn koi tchik tumare pirendar tele! Un kowa sikrell i menshende, kai jon tchilatcho hi.”
6Un o Jesuseskre deesh-te-dui mala kran pen ap o drom, un djan an jek gab pal o wawar, penan i menshenge o Debleskro lab, un kran i nasselen sasto kote, kai jon ninna djan.
O Herodes djinella gar, hoi te patsell lo
7O Herodes, ko baro rai pral o them Galilea, shunas lauter, hoi o Jesus krella. Un job djinas gar, hoi te patsell lo. His menshe koi, kai penan: “O Johanni stas i mulendar pre.” 8Wawar penan: “O Elija was pale.” Un ninna wawar penan: “Jek kol phure Debleskre rakepangrendar stas i mulendar pre.” 9O Herodes penas: “Me mukom o Johanneskro shero tele te dell. Koon hi kowa, kai shunau sawo koowa pral leste?” Un job kamas o Jesuses te dikell.
O Jesus della pantch serja menshen te chal
10Un kol deesh-te-dui bitchepangre wan pale, un penan o Jesuseske, hoi jon lauter kran. Un o Jesus las len peha, te well lo lentsa kokres, un djas lentsa pash ko foro Betsaida. 11Har i menshe dikan, te djas o Jesus pash o foro Betsaida, djan bud leske palla. Un job mukas len pash peste te well, un penas lenge, te dell o Dewel len pash peste gole, te djiwell lo lentsa khetne. Un kolen, kai nasselo hi, kras lo sasto.
12Un o kham djas tele, un o Jesuseskre deesh-te-dui mala wan pash leste, un penan leske: “Bitche kal menshen tutar, te djan le an i gaba, un pash i hachende, te lenn le penge tchomone te chal, un te dikenn le kote, kai jon pral i rati nai atchenna! Kate, kai mer ham, della tchi te chal.”
13O Jesus penas ap lende: “Denn tumer len tchomone te chal!”
Penan le leske: “Men hi gar budeder har pantch mare un dui matche. Kameh tu, te ginas kolenge lauterenge te chal?”
14Kote his nai jaake pantch serja mursha, ninna bud djuwja un tchawe.
O Jesus penas ap peskre malende: “Krenn, te beshenn pen le jaake khetne, te hi kate pantch-deesh beshdo un kote pantch-deesh beshdo!”
15Un leskre mala kran jaake. Un lauter beshan pen.
16Un job las kol pantch mare un kol dui matche, un dikas pre ap o bolepen, un parkras pes pash o Debleste. Un palle phagas job kol mare un matche an kotja, un das len peskre malende, te denn le len i menshende. 17Un jon chan, un wan lauter tchalo. Un jon hadan kol kotja pre, hoi pral atchan. Koi wan deesh-te-dui marengre gone pherdo.
O Jesus rakrella peskre malentsa pral peskro merepen
18His i diwes, kote his o Jesus kokres peskre malentsa, un mangas o Debles an. Un pal kowa putchas lo lendar: “Hoi penenn kol menshe, koon me hom?”
19Penan le leske: “Jon penenna, kai tu hal o Johanni, kowa, kai taufras i menshen. Wawar penenn: Kowa hi o Elija. Un pale wawar penenn: Jek kol phure Debleskre rakepangrendar stas i mulendar pre.”
20Putchas lo lendar: “Tumer, hoi penenn tumer, koon me hom?” Penas o Petro: “Tu hal o Kristo, ko baro rai, kai menge o Deblestar bitchedo was.”
21Koi penas lo lenge, te penenn le kowa kekeske.
22Un job penas: “Me, o Mensheskro Tchawo, hunte lap bud duka ap mande. I bare rashaja un i biboldengre phureder un tchatchepangre tchiwenn man ap i rig. Un me hunte wap mulo dino, un pal triin diwessa krell man o Dewel djido.”
O Jesuseskro drom
23Un o Jesus penas ap lauterende: “Koon ap miro drom mantsa djala, kowa hunte bistrell, hoi leske kokres mishto hi, un lell peskro trushel hako diwes ap peste un djal mantsa. 24Koon kamell peskro djipen te rikrell, kowa nashrell les. Koon peskro djipen mange nashrella, lell les mandar pale. 25I mensheske wals kowa gar mishto, te lals lo o tselo brawlepen ap kai phub, un te wals lo o Debleske nashedo.
26Kowa, kai ladjell pes mange un mire labenge, koleske ladjau me ninna, te wau me, o Mensheskro Tchawo, pale. Ap ko diwes hi man ko railepen, kai hi ninna miro dades un o Debleskre bolepangren.
27Tchatchepah, me penau tumenge: Kate hi menshe tardo, kolla merenna gar, bis te dikenn le o Debleskro railepen un soor, hoi an mande diklo wella.”
O Jesuseskre mala dikenn peskro railepen
28Pal ochta diwessa las o Jesus o Petres, o Johannes, un o Jakobes, un djas lentsa ap i berga, te rakrell lo o Debleha. 29Un har job rakras o Debleha, dikas peskro mui wawartchandes win, un leskre koola wan railes bijalo. 30Ap jek kopo rakran dui mursha leha. Kolla his o Mose un o Elija.
31Kol dujen his i bolepaskro railepen, un rakran leha pral leskro merepen an o foro Jerusalem.
32O Petro un kol dui wawar his jaake khino, te sowan le. Har jon pre djangran#9:32 pre djangran, ap gadjkenes: sind aufgewacht , dikan le o Jesuses, har job an peskro bolepaskro railepen koi tardo his, un kol dui murshen, o Moses un o Elijas, pash leste.
33Un har kol dui mursha kaman penge te djal, penas o Petro ap o Jesuseste: “Rai, hi mishto, te ham kai. Muk men triin tikne khera te krell, jek tuke, jek o Moseske, un jek o Elijeske.”
Un job djinas gar, hoi rakrell lo kote.
34Un har job jaake rakras, was i wolka pral lende tele. Un len his traash, har jon an koi wolka dren wan.
35Koi shunan le i rakepen dran i wolka, hoi penas: “Kawa hi mo tchawo, job hi o wi-rodedo! Shunenn ap leste!”
36Un har ko rakepen pre-heras, dikan le, kai o Jesus kokres koi tardo hi. Kol triin rikran kowa lauter penge, un penan an ko tsiro kekeske, hoi jon dikan.
O Jesus krell i tchawes sasto
37Un o wawar diwes djan le koi berga tele, un bud menshe wan pash leste.
38Mashkral lende his i mursh, kai das bari gole: “Sikepaskro, me mangau tut: Dik ap miro tchaweste! Man hi kokres kau tchawo, kek wawar. 39I beng taprell les jaake, kai dell lo ap jek kopo bari gole, un perell ap i phub. Un palle well tchunger dran leskro mui. Ko beng kamell les buder gar te djal mukell, un kamell les te marell. 40Me mangom tire malendar, te tradenn le o benges lestar win. Un jon haiwan kowa gar te krell.”
41Koi penas o Jesus: “Tumer tchilatche menshe. Tumen hi kek patsepen. Har rah tsiro hunte atchap pash tumende, te marap man tele tumentsa? An tiro tchawes pash mande!”
42Har o tchawo was, witsras ko beng o tchawes ap i phub, un tserdas les jek rigjatar ap i wawar. Koi das o Jesus ko benges trad, un kras o tchawes sasto, un das les peskro dadeste pale.
43Un lauterenge, kai kote tardo his, atchas o rakepen krik pral koi bari Debleskri soor.
O Jesus rakrell o duito kopo pral peskro merepen
Har jon jaake bare jaka kran pral kowa, hoi o Jesus kras, penas lo ap peskre malende: 44“Ma bistrenn, hoi me tumenge penau: Me, o Mensheskro Tchawo, wau an i menshengre wasta dino!”
45Kal laba haiwan le gar. Kowa, hoi job lenge kate penas, djas gar an lengro shero dren. Jaake djinan le gar, pral hoi job rakras un trashan, te putchenn le lestar pral kol laba.
Koon hi o bareder mashkral mende?
46Jek diwes tchingran pen leskre mala koi pral, koon lendar o pralstuno hi. 47Har o Jesus haiwas, hoi an lengro shero trujel djala, las job i tchawes pash peste, 48un penas ap lende: “Kowa, kai lell kau tchawes pash peste pre an miro lab, kowa lell man pash peste pre. Koon man pre lella, kowa lell koles pre, kai bitchras man. Koon mashkral tumende o tikneder hi, kowa hi baro.”
Koon hi gar tchilatcho ap tumende, kowa hi ap tumari rig tardo
49Koi penas o Johanni ap o Jesuseste: “Rai, mer dikam i murshes. Kowa tradas i bengen win an tiro lab. Un kowa his kek mendar. Doleske penam leske: Ma kre kowa buder!”
50O Jesus penas ap lende: “Mukenn les! Koon hi gar tchilatcho ap tumende, kowa hi ap tumari rig tardo.”
O Jesus an o them Samaria
51Har ko tsiro kai his, te well o Jesus maredo, kras pes lo ap o drom, te djal lo an o foro Jerusalem. Un kek nai rikras les pale. 52Un job bitchras murshen glan peste ap kau drom. Kolla djan, un wan an i gab an o them Samaria.#9:52 I tsele biboldenge his i Samaritarja pale-tchiddo. Kek biboldo djals an o them Samaria dren. Kote rodan jon leske i kheer, kai nai atchell lo pral i rati. 53I menshe an ko gab shunan, kai kamell lo an o foro Jerusalem te djal. Doleske lan jon les gar pash pende pre.
54Har leskre mala, o Jakobo un o Johanni, kowa dikan, penan jon ap leste: “Rai, te kameh tu, mukah mer jag dran o bolepen tele te perell, hoi chatchrell len.”
55O Jesus rissras pes trujel, un tchingras ap lende.
56Un jon djan an i wawar gab.
Koon o Jesuseha djal, hunte dikell gar ap wawar koowa
57Un har jon ap o drom his, penas i mursh ap o Jesuseste: “Me kamau tuha te djal, kai tu ninna djah.”
58Penas o Jesus ap leste: “I diwje djuklen hi i tchiben an i phub, kai sowenn le. Un i tchirklen hi i tikne khera ap i ruka. Me, o Mensheskro Tchawo, man hi tchi, kai nai tchiwap man tele, te sowap.”
59Ap i wawar mursheste penas job: “Am mantsa!” Kowa penas: “Muk man khere te djal, te paskrap miro dades! Pal kowa djau tuha.”
60Penas o Jesus ap leste: “Muk kol mule pengre mulen te paskrell! Dja un pen i menshenge, kai o tsiro kanna kai hi, kai o Dewel kamell len dran o tchilatchepen te lell, un kamell lengro rai te well!”
61Un i wawar mursh penas ap o Jesuseste: “Me kamaus te djap khere, te penap mire menshenge: Atchenn mo Debleha! Un palle kamoms tuha te djal.”
62Ap leste penas o Jesus: “Koon kamell o Debleske te budrell, un dikell ap wawar koowa, kowa budrella gar mishto o Debleske. Job hi har i hacho, kai budrell ap peskri kotar phub, un dikell pal peste. Leskri budi hi tchi moldo.”

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Luka 9: Sint2021





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